> From: Andrea Splendiani
> One thing that I think would be very useful, though it poses some  
> semantic problem... is the possibility to assert equivalence in rdf.
> At the moment equivalence can be asserted only in owl (and this  
> implies a distinction between individuals, properties, classes...).
> But that is a lower level statement we can make about URI.
> For instance, I can say that:
> > http://dbpedia.org/resource/Dopamine_receptor
> is the same uri as:
> > http://dbpedia.org/resource/DopamineReceptor
> And I want to say this independently from the interpretation  
> associated to this URI, as my knowledge about the identity is 
> a-priori:
> if this leads to inconsistency, then this is because what is 
> expressed  
> is inconsistent, not because of this equivalence.
> Is there a way to express this in RDF ? Don't think so...

No, there is not.  However, Pat Hayes, at a semantic web interest group meeting 
in Cambridge a few months ago, talked about drafting a spec for a new version 
of RDF.  And I think TimBL -- though I may be mistaken about who made the 
suggestion -- suggested that there be a way to indicate directly that two URIs 
name the same node of an RDF graph, which sounds like what you are looking for.

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |  dbo...@hp.com

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