Hi David (& all),

Yes, there has been discussion about forming a Library Linked Data _Incubator 
Group_. See the Sem-lib archives [1] and a draft charter [2]. I'm not aware of 
an official timeline for this becoming an official W3C incubator group. Anyone 

[1] http://mailman.few.vu.nl/pipermail/sem-lib/

On Apr 7, 2010, at 9:15 PM, David Shotton wrote:

> Can anyone please confirm this rumour and provide details?
> "The rumor mill tells us that the World Wide Web consortium is forming a 
> working group on library bibliographic data and the semantic web, with at 
> least one of its goals to help libraries participate in the Linked Open Data 
> movement and become better integrated with other data on the web." 
> Many thanks, 
> David
> -- 
> Dr David Shotton                                                       
> david.shot...@zoo.ox.ac.uk
> Reader in Image Bioinformatics
> Image Bioinformatics Research Group                                 
> http://ibrg.zoo.ox.ac.uk
> Department of Zoology, University of Oxford                  tel: 
> +44-(0)1865-271193
> South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK                    fax: 
> +44-(0)1865-310447

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