Hi Jun,

Yes, I think it'd be better if we postpone it to August 2.



Jun Zhao wrote:

Hi Kei,

Welcome back!

I thought we agreed that (before you left for the holiday) there would be a biordf call on July 26, chaired by you. I didn't announce it on the mailing list yet. Would you rather postpone it to August 2?



Kei Cheung wrote:

Hi Jun et al,

Thanks a lot for keeping things going while I was away. I just got back from Hong Kong and am recovering from the trip. Let's plan on having the next call on Aug. 2. This will give me some time to recuperate and catch up on things.



 Jun Zhao wrote:

Dear all,

The minutes of Monday's call is available at http://www.w3.org/2010/07/19-hcls-minutes.html.

Thanks for Scott for the scribing.

-- Jun

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