Attached is revised draft charter for a potential HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability. I would like to discuss it on Tuesday June 10 and get feedback and suggestions from anyone interested, before I start discussing it with folks at HL7. Again, this is just a draft that I created. It has no official status.

Here is the conference call information:

> Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
> Zakim (W3C teleconference bridge).
> Dial-In #: _+1.617.761.6200_ <tel:%2B1.617.761.6200> (Cambridge, MA)
> VoIP address: _sip:zakim@voip.w3.org_ <>
> Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
> IRC: _irc.w3.org_ <> port 6665 channel #HCLS


On 05/27/2014 08:25 PM, David Booth wrote:
Draft minutes from today's discussion are attached.  We discussed the
following topics:

  - Salus

  - Movement toward RDF-based electronic health records

  - claude: An approach to Modifying Extensions in FHIR ont

  - Current problems of HL7, and whether RDF can help


On 05/27/2014 04:12 AM, David Booth wrote:
FYI, on last week's teleconference I said I would be revising the draft
charter for a possible HL7 work group and we could discuss it this week.
  Unfortunately I haven't done that homework yet, so it may have to wait
two weeks, because next week is the Healthcare Datapalooza conference.
Sorry for the delay.  However, I'd be happy to discuss any other topics
this morning.


Attachment: rdf-semantic-interop-wg-v2.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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