Hi, Scott

Thanks for the feedback regarding my tutorial. One point of note - I'm 
with Eli Lilly, not Johnson & Johnson.


J Phil Brooks
Information Consultant, Data Integration Team
Enterprise Capabilities
Eli Lilly and Company
(317) 277-3765

"M. Scott Marshall" <mscottmarsh...@gmail.com> 
Sent by: public-semweb-lifesci-requ...@w3.org
05/24/2011 06:56 PM

HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>, Michel_Dumontier 
<michel_dumont...@carleton.ca>, Matthias Samwald <samw...@gmx.at>, Oktie 
Hassanzadeh <ok...@cs.toronto.edu>, Anja Jentzsch <a...@anjeve.de>, Egon 
Willighagen <egon.willigha...@gmail.com>

Good news from the EBI Semantic Web Industry Workshop and LODD members

Last week, Michel Dumontier, Matthias Samwald and I were invited to
speak at the EBI Semantic Web Industry Workshop. We each gave some
HCLS perspectives and heard many other very interesting talks from
industry representatives. Phil Brooks (Johnson & Johnson) gave an
excellent tutorial. TopBraid Composer was widely touted. A few
encouraging news items: Nicolas Le Novere told us that MIRIAM
identifiers will go to URIs (from URNs) and Jerven Bolleman told us
that Uniprot is getting a SPARQL endpoint for their RDF. There was a
strong pharma presence at the workshop.

Also, on the LODD front:

* Oktie Hassanzadeh has created a linkedct (linked version of
clinicaltrials.gov) that is updated nightly
* Anja Jentzsch is working on an update of several Berlin-hosted LODD data 
* Egon Willighagen is updating the downloadable RDF version of ChEMBL
to version 9


M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair, http://www.w3.org/blog/hcls

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