Hi Amit,

Sorry about that. I realized after I sent it out that perhaps more context would be needed for those not on the conference call. I'm a bit under-the-weather on the mend from a flu. We have one demo planned. The details of the use-case are being worked out now and are expected to be presented in Monday's BioRDF telcon (which will be a joing BioRDF/BioONT telcon). We are not limited to AD, and currently a joint AD/PD scenario is in the works. Adding Huntington's to the use-case was also discussed today. The ones to bring that up with are Gwen, June, Alan and myself. I'm coordinating acting more in a project management / coordination role to facilitate the process needed to meet the demo. Don's helping as well.

Hope this helps provide some context.


On Feb 1, 2007, at 12:03 PM, Amit Sheth wrote:

I am not able to get the context to this.
Are you planning to organize one demo or a series of
demos related to HCLS? Are we limited only
to the Alzheimer scenario or can be others?

Amit Sheth
http://knowsis.org (Wright State U AC rep)

Joanne Luciano wrote:


I've been tasked with putting together at time line for the demo, which has a deadline of May 8th at the WWW conference in Banff Canada.

Those involved, please send me the tasks you have on your plate so that I can start to assemble them. Include as much detail with respect to task, start and end end-date, etc.

If you're not working on something but want to, send me a message too and I'll put together a list of resources too.

Also, if there are unassigned tasks, I'll want to know that also.

Lastly, if you're a lurker and have some resources (funding) to help support this demo, please let us know.

Thanks very much,


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