The ICBO Early Career Track offers a venue for students and early career
researchers and practitioners to present work relevant to the conference
aims and topics. ICBO 2015 is soliciting submissions of novel (not
previously published nor concurrently submitted) research papers in the
areas of the application of ontologies to biomedical problems, ontology
design and ontology interoperability, at any stage in the process from data
creation to use in applications or scientific analyses.

Eligibility criteria for submission to the Early Career Track are as
-   the author or the first author is either a) a student (undergraduate,
graduate) or b) within 5 years of their first industrial or postdoctoral
academic appointment
-   the submission is in the form of an extended abstract
-   the length of the submission is 2 pages maximum following the
conference’s paper preparation guidelines (see the conference’s author
instructions for further details).
It is essential that presenters satisfy the first of the above criteria.

Submissions through the main conference's EasyChair: Selecting “Early
Career” in the Topics list.

Original submissions to the Early Career Track are encouraged. However,
work presented in a submission rejected from the main conference track may
be presented in a submission to the Early Career Track provided the
eligibility criteria are satisfied.

Additional information:
Final versions of accepted abstracts will be published within a dedicated
section of the conference proceedings.
A Best Early Career Paper Award will be selected by the Organising
Committee and conferred to the author(s) at the conference.

Important dates
-   Apr 13: Submission
-   May 11: Author notification
-   May 25: Camera-ready for accepted contributions
-   Jul 29-30 (tbd): Early Career Track at ICBO

For more information, please contact, indicating
"[icbo2015] Early Career Track" in the subject line.
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