[ of particular interest to this community: the USEWOD workshop now includes a 
dataset of usage logs from Bioportal, one of the most actively used terminology 
services in the biomedical domain ]

=============== First Call for Papers =============== 


Workshop at ESWC 2013 - Montpellier, France, 26 or 27 May 2013 

The purpose of this workshop is to investigate new developments concerning the 
synergy between semantics and semantic-web technology on the one hand, and the 
analysis and mining of usage data on the other hand. Semantics can be used to 
enhance the analysis of usage data. Usage data analysis can enhance semantic 
resources as well as Semantic Web applications. 

The emerging Web of Data demands a re-evaluation of existing evaluation 
techniques: the Linked Data community is recognizing that it needs to move 
"beyond triple counts". Usage analysis is a key method for the evaluation of a 
datasets and applications. New ways of accessing information enabled by the Web 
of Data requires the development or adaptation of algorithms, methods, and 
techniques to analyze and interpret the usage of Web data instead of Web pages. 
The results can provide fine-grained insights into how semantic datasets and 
applications are being accessed and used by both humans and machines - insights 
that are needed for optimising the design and ultimately ensuring the success 
of semantic resources. 

Data Challenge 
In addition to regular papers, USEWOD2013 includes a data challenge. We will 
release a dataset of usage data (server log files) from Linked Open Data 
sources. This year's challenge will be even more exciting than the USEWOD 2011 
and 2012 challenges, as we add log files from bioportal.bioontology.org which 
is one of the most actively used terminology services in the biomedical domain, 
and well-known beyond the borders of the Computer Science research community. 
This adds a schema level perspective to the USEWOD dataset, enabling new kinds 
of analysis. In addition, actual logfiles will be provided from the two core 
sources of the USEWOD datasets: the conference metadata site Semantic Web Dog 
Food (data.semanticweb.org) and DBpedia (dbpedia.org). Participants are invited 
to present interesting analyses, applications, alignments, etc. for these 
datasets, and to submit their findings as a Data Challenge paper. For the best 
challenge submissions we will pursue publishing a journal special issue on 
studies exploiting the USEWOD dataset.

Topics of interest 
USEWOD2013 welcomes all research that combines usage data and the web of data, 
for instance work on: 
* Analysis and mining of usage logs of semantic resources and applications. 
* Inferring semantic information from usage logs. 
* Methods and tools for semantic analysis of usage logs. 
* Representing and enriching usage logs with semantic information. 
* Usage-based evaluation methods and frameworks; gold standards for evaluation 
of web applications. 
* Specifics and semantics of logs for content-consumption and content-creation. 
* Using semantics for recommendation, personalization and adaptation. 
* Usage-based recommendation, personalization and adaptation of semantic web 
* Exploiting usage logs for semantic search. 
* Data sharing, privacy, and privacy-protecting policies and techniques. 

Important dates 
* Release of Dataset for the USEWOD2013 Challenge: 31 January 2013 (tentative)
* Paper submission deadline: 4 March 2013
* Workshop and Prize for USEWOD Challenge: 26 or 27 May 2013 

The page limit for regular as well as challenge papers is 8 pages, but we also 
welcome shorter contributions. Papers should be formatted in ACM format 
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Visit 
http://data.semanticweb.org/usewod/2013/ for submission information or directly 
go to https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=usewod2013 for submitting 
your manuscripts.

Workshop chairs 
* David Vallet, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain 
* Knud Moeller, Datalysator, Berlin, Germany
* Markus Luczak-Roesch, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany 
* Laura Hollink, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 
* Bettina Berendt, KU Leuven, Belgium 
---> Please contact us at usewod-cha...@googlegroups.com

Program committee 
See the workshop web page: http://data.semanticweb.org/usewod/2013/ 

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