We are pleased to announce immediate availability of Virtuoso 6.1.0 (Open Source Edition):

New Features and Bug Fix Summary:

Database Engine:

- Significantly reduced database size and system resource consumption via new 2+3 index scheme for RDF_QUAD table
 - Added new inlined string table for RDF_QUAD
 - Added enhanced cost optimizer


- Added support for owl:inverseOf, owl:SymmetricProperty, and owl:TransitiveProperty to reasoner
 - Added DB.DBA.BEST_LANGMATCH() and bif_langmatches_pct_http()
 - Added support for expressions in LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
 - Added built-in predicate IsRef()
- Added SPARQL 1.1 syntax sugar re. HAVING CLAUSE for filtering on GROUP BY - Added special code generator for optimized handling of: SPARQL SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } } - Added support for HTML+RDFa representation re. output from SPARQL CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries

*Important Note:

Upgrading from pre-6.x versions:*

The database file format has substantially changed between versions 5.x and 6.x. To upgrade your database, you must dump all data from the version 5.x database and re-load it into version 6.x. Complete instructions may be found /here/ <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/UpgradingToVOS610>/./

*Upgrading from earlier 6.x versions:*

The database file format has not changed, but the introduction of a newer RDF index requires you run a script to upgrade the RDF_QUAD table. Since this can be a lengthy task and take extra disk space (up to twice the space used by the original RDF_QUAD table may be required during conversion) this is not done automatically on startup. Complete instructions may be found /here/ <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/UpgradingToVOS610>.


1. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/ -- product home page
2. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/VOSDownload -- product download page




Kingsley Idehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter: kidehen

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