Dear Colleagues

This is to remind you of tomorrow's Scientific Discourse concall.

The agenda is below. We will be preparing for the F2F, in which we have a breakout session, and have agreed to work on an integration roadmap for the coming year.

The purpose of the roadmap will be to define basic tasks around bringing together the outputs of Scientific Discourse, Terminology, and BioRDF Tasks.

A discussion outline will be sent out later this evening.



Conference Details
        • Date of Call: Friday April 17, 2009
        • Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time
        • Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
        • Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
        • Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
        • Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
        • Duration: ~1 hour
        • Convener: Tim Clark
        • Scribe: Susie

        • Task Reports (brief)
        • Sci Discourse integration planning document
                • Terminology, BioRDF Task Outputs
                • Roadmap discussion outline for F2F
        • F2F agenda, main topics

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