                  CALL FOR PAPERS
           First International Workshop on
    Semantic Metadata Management and Applications
Located at the Fifth European Semantic Web Conference ESWC2008
             June 1, 2008, Tenerife, Spain

** NEW: submission instructions at the bottom **


Metadata is, and will increasingly be playing a central role in the
provisioning of semantic web functionalities, e.g., in easing the discovery,
interoperability and integration of a variety of data and service resources.
For example, applications and databases in the life sciences rely heavily on
metadata for describing and curating data products. To effectively exploit
the true potential of metadata, however, methods and tools to facilitate its
management are required. Metadata management certainly includes traditional
issues such as modelling, specification, generation, curation, storage and
retrieval, that are typical of any data management system. Additional
properties that are specific to metadata, however, have an impact on its
management. As a form of resource annotation, for example, metadata has a
recognizable lifecycle, that is determined by the evolution of the
underlying resources and should be managed accordingly. Also, the use of
semantic metadata, i.e., metadata that is defined using shared
conceptualisations (ontologies) or controlled vocabularies, is increasingly
popular in a number of application areas. Managing semantic metadata
provides both new challenges and opportunities.

The first international workshop on semantic metadata management aims to
bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss issues related to
metadata management, with particular emphasis on the management of semantic
metadata. The workshop also aims to shed light on relatively new issues that
emerge in the context of metadata intensive applications, e.g., semantic web
services, semantic web processes and semantic grid applications, including
metadata evolution, propagation and curation.


We seek papers describing ongoing innovative work and applications on these
metadata management issues. Specifically, the workshop topics include, but
are not limited to:

    * metadata generation, curation, and lifetime management
    * metadata mapping and reconciliation
    * efficient storage and retrieval of metadata
    * metadata interoperability
    * evolution and propagation of metadata
    * quality, pedigree and provenance of metadata
    * contextual metadata
    * metadata identification
    * models and languages for metadata.

As well as the above topics, the workshop seeks papers that describe case
studies that show the benefits gained thanks to the use of metadata. We also
seek papers that show the limitations of current state of the art in
metadata models, languages and tools. Papers that report on success stories
or experiences/evaluations that pinpoint metadata management issues that
need further investigation in this field are encouraged. The application
areas that are in the scope of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

    * metadata in life science databases and applications,
    * e-Science and e-Health,
    * business and scientific workflows,
    * semantic guided web service interoperability and composition,
    * web service and workflow discovery,
    * social and scientific networks,
    * semantic grid services,
    * semantic query processing,
    * semantic-enriched web portals and mashups.

- Deadline for submissions:   March 7, 2008
- Notification of acceptance: April 4, 2008
- Camera-ready versions:      April 18, 2008
- Workshop:                   June 1, 2008


    * Khalid Belhajjame, University of Manchester (UK)
    * Mathieu d'Aquin, KMi, Open University (UK)
    * Peter Haase, Institut AIFB, Universit�t Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
    * Paolo Missier, University of Manchester (UK)


    * Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales (Australia)
    * Marco Brambilla, Politecnico Di Milano (Italy)
    * Christine Collet, University of Grenoble (France)
    * Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois (USA)
    * Carole Goble, University of Manchester (UK)
    * David de Roure, University of Southampton (UK)
    * Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
    * Mohand-Said Hacid, Claude Bernard University (France)
    * Vipul Kashyap, Partners HealthCare System (USA)
    * Bertram Ludascher, UC Davis (USA)
    * Peter Mika, Yahoo Research (Spain)
    * Natasha Noy, Stanford University (USA)
    * Eyal Oren, VU Amsterdam (Netherland)
    * Jeff Z. Pan, University of Aberdeen (UK)
    * Matthew Perry, Wright State University (USA)
    * Alexandra Poulovassilis, Birkbeck College (UK)
    * Marta Sabou, The Open University (UK)
    * Genoveva Vargas-Solar, University of Grenoble (France)


Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines of the ESWC
Proceedings will be published for the workshop.

Papers must not exceed 15 pages. Short papers, experimental contributions, 
system and demo descriptions must not exceed 8 pages.

Papers should be submitted using EasyChair at 

Note that workshop attendees must also register for the main conference. 
So try to register both for the conference and the workshop before the 
ESWC2008 early registration deadline.

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