** apologies for cross-posting **

==== Final Call for Papers ====

** Deadline for abstracts (SHARP): 
**     Wednesday 8th January 2014 - 23:59 Hawaii Time
** Deadline for full-papers (SHARP): 
**     Monday 13th January 2014 - 23:59 Hawaii Time
** The submission of abstracts (8 Jan) is mandatory for submitting full papers 
(13 Jan)

CFP: 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2014
Dates: May 25 - 29, 2014
Venue: Anissaras, Crete, Greece
Hashtag: #eswc2014
Feed: @eswc_conf
Site: http://2014.eswc-conferences.org    
General Chair: Valentina Presutti (STLab, ISTC-CNR, IT)
Program Chairs:
- Claudia d'Amato (Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, IT)
- Fabien Gandon (Wimmics, Inria, I3S, CNRS, University of Nice Sophia 
Antipolis, FR)

ESWC is a A rank conference according to CORE classification and a major venue 
for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations related 
to the Semantic Web. The 11th edition of ESWC will take place from May 25th, 
2014 to May 29th, 2014 in Anissaras, Crete, Greece. Besides a main focus on 
advances in Semantic Web research and technologies, ESWC 2014 is seeking to 
broaden its attention to span other relevant research areas in which Web 
semantics plays an important role.

The goal of the Semantic Web is to create a Web of knowledge and services in 
which the semantics of content is made explicit and content is linked to both 
other content and services. This arrangement of knowledge-based functionalities 
is weaving together a large network of human knowledge, and making this 
knowledge machine-processable to support intelligent behaviour by machines. 
Additionally, it supports novel applications allowing content from 
heterogeneous sources to be combined in unforeseen ways and support enhanced 
matching between users needs, software functionalities and online content.

Creating such an interlinked Web of knowledge which bridges between 
heterogeneous content and services requires collaboration between several 
computer science domains. Also, within this hybrid space that the Web has 
become, where humans and software interact in a complex manner, fundamentally 
requires an inter-disciplinary approach to find novel solutions to the problems 

ESWC 2014 will feature twelve thematic research tracks (see below) and an 
in-use and industrial track. Submissions of interdisciplinary research papers, 
covering more than one thematic track, are also encouraged. In addition, the 
in-use and industrial track will provide an opportunity for dialogue and 
discussion on industrial applications, tools, deployment experiences, case 
studies and usage analysis.

Submitted papers should describe original work, present significant results, 
and provide rigorous, principled, and repeatable evaluation. We strongly 
encourage and appreciate the submission of papers incorporating links to data 
sets and other material used for evaluation as well as to live demos and 
software source code.

We therefore encourage submissions addressing several conference research 
topics. However, each paper should be associated with at least one of the 
topics of the conference. The main research topics this year are:
- Vocabularies, Schemas, Ontologies;
- Reasoning;
- Linked Open Data;
- Social Web;
- Web Science;
- Data Management, Big data, Scalability;
- Natural Language Processing;
- Information Retrieval;
- Machine Learning;
- Mobile Web;
- Sensors;
- Streams;
- Services, processes, and cloud computing.

Additional special research topics this year are:
- Cognition and Semantic Web;
- Policies, Rights, Governance;
- Semantic multimedia web.

*Important Dates*

Abstract submission: Wednesday 8th January 2014 (sharp) - 23:59 Hawaii Time
Full-paper submission: Monday 13th January 2014 (sharp) - 23:59 Hawaii Time
Authors' Rebuttals: Wednesday 19th-Friday 21 Feb 2014
Acceptance notifications: Wednesday 26 February 2014
Camera-ready papers: Monday 10th of March 2014

*Submission  Information*

ESWC2014 welcomes the submission of original research and application papers 
dealing with all aspects of representing and using semantics on the Web. We 
encourage theoretical, methodological, empirical, and applications papers. The 
proceedings of this conference will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science series.

This year three of the best papers presented at the conference will have the 
opportunity to submit an extended version to a special issue of the journal 
"Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability" (IOS Press).

Papers should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length and must be formatted 
according to the information for LNCS authors. Papers must be submitted in PDF 
(Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Papers that exceed 15 pages or do 
not follow the LNCS guidelines will be automatically rejected without a review. 
Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide semantic annotations for 
the abstract of their submission - details of this process will be given on the 
conference Web page at the time of acceptance. At least one author of each 
accepted paper must register for the conference. More information about the 
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) are available on the 
Springer LNCS Web site (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors).

Submissions and reviewing will be supported by the EasyChair system: 

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