** apologies for cross-posting **

==== Final Call for PhD Symposium ====

** Deadline: 
**     Monday 13th January 2014 - 23:59 Hawaii Time

11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2014
Dates: May 25 - 29, 2014
Venue: Anissaras, Crete, Greece
Hashtag: #eswc2014
Feed: @eswc_conf
Site: http://2014.eswc-conferences.org
General Chair: Valentina Presutti (STLab, ISTC-CNR, IT)
PhD Symposium Chairs:
- Steffen Staab (Institute for Web Science and Technologies - WeST, University 
of Koblenz-Landau, DE)
- Mathieu d'Aquin (Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK)

The ESWC 2014 PhD Symposium is a chance for PhD students working in all areas 
of Semantic Web research to present their work, meet with peers and experienced 
researchers, obtain feedback and learn from each other's experiences. It aims 
at helping future researchers in building up the skills and confidence required 
to conduct and promote their research, as well as providing them with an 
opportunity to attend one of the most important research conferences on the 
Semantic Web.
The ESWC PhD Symposium will give to students the opportunity to:
1. Learn from a mentor: Established researchers and PhD student advisors will 
provide direct feedback. Each selected student will be assigned a member of the 
programme committee with whom they will interact on the revision of the paper 
and the preparation of the presentation.
2. Learn about research in general: Doing good research goes beyond writing a 
good paper; it includes perspectives on research as an endeavour and a career. 
Besides the presentations, coffee breaks and the PhD Symposium lunch will be 
used to exchange ideas and ask questions about all aspects of conducting a PhD 
and a research career in general.
3. Learn by constructive criticism: Thinking and writing about strengths and 
weaknesses of other research contributions shapes your own research 
capabilities.  As a participant to the PhD symposium, you will be expected to 
also review submissions from others, allowing you to juxtapose and learn from 
convergence and divergence of opinions.
4. Learn by presenting: Accepted contributions will be presented in the PhD 
symposium. All accepted contributions will also appear at the general poster 
session of ESWC. Students' posters will be presented alongside posters and 
demonstrations of the main conference.
Submissions will be considered from two different categories depending on the 
advancement into the PhD:
- Early Stage PhD: For students who may have identified the main research 
problem they want to address, the relevant literature, and are building their 
research methodology, but might not yet have obtained significant results, or 
only preliminary ones.
- Late Stage PhD: For students who have already defined their approach (even if 
incompletely) and obtained significant results (e.g., that might already have 
been published).
These categories do not affect the chances of being selected. They will however 
be taken into account by reviewers in their feedback, and in the length and 
format of the presentation. The organisers might decide to move a submission 
from one category to the other, if they think it is justified.

*Submission Information*

PhD students in all areas of Semantic Web research are invited to submit papers 
having 5 to 10 pages describing their PhD research, in the PDF format following 
the LNCS template 
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0) Submissions 
should be sent using the PhD Symposium submission system 
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc2014ps), through which 
participants will be also asked to decide on the category of their submission 
and to write a paragraph regarding their motivation for participating in the 
ESWC PhD Symposium.
Submissions should follow the following template of sections:
1. Introduction/Motivation
Give a general introduction to the domain/area/topic and indication of its 
importance/impact in Semantic Web research or other domains.

2. State of the Art
Describe existing work in the area, work focusing on the same/similar problems 
or that might be useful to realising your PhD.  

3. Problem Statement and Contributions
Based on motivation and state of the art, formulate the problem you intend to 
solve, and how you intend to contribute to Semantic Web research. This section 
should include a clear formulation of one (or very few) research hypothesis 
(what you will validate through your methodology, approach and evaluation) and 
the research questions that need to be answered. Late Stage PhD submissions 
should focus on contributions to such a hypothesis.

4. Research Methodology and Approach
Describe the research methodology you will apply in your research, including 
the different steps from the formulation of your research questions to 
answering them. Also describe the approach you are taking (or you intend to 
take for Early Stage PhD submissions) to instantiate the research methodology, 
hence contributing to solve the problem described in Section 3 and confirm or 
reject your hypothesis. Discuss how this approach is innovative and novel, and 
how it is (might be) implemented.

5. Preliminary or Intermediate Results
In a full conference paper, the approach would be fully described (in section 
4) and fully evaluated (in section 6). Being at an intermediate stage, you 
should report here about the results achieved up to now in applying your 
approach that might not yet be sufficient for a full evaluation. .  

6. Evaluation Plan
Describe your evaluation plan, which is the way you intend to validate your 
hypothesis, your results, and the value of your approach. For Early Stage PhD 
submissions, this might be only partially defined, and details might be 
ommited. For Late Stage PhD submissions, you might have partial evaluation 

Describe how your results will or might impact research or the world at large.

*Important dates*
Submission deadline: 13th January 2014
Notification: 10th February 2014
Revised version of submission to mentor: 24th February 2014
Final version: 10th March 2014
Draft presentation to mentor: 12th May 2014

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