Hi, the minutes and link to meeting recording for the May 19th meeting of the content sub-team of the PDDI Info Model Task Force are pasted below. Kind regards, -R

   Minutes for 5/19/2016 (Content subgroup)

In Attendance: Evan Draper, Brian LeBaron, Richard Boyce, Dan Malone, John Poikonen, Michel Dumontier, Scott Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Serkan Ayvaz, John Horn, Elizabeth Garcia, Louisa Zhang

Meeting recording:http://goo.gl/lESwy5





   Refresher from last meeting


       Agreeing on interactions to work on


       Decision trees for certain interactions


   Decision Trees


       Beta blocker+Epinephrine, Warfarin-NSAIDs; K-sparing
       diuretics/KCl just added


       Goal is to create decision trees for selected interactions that
       identify clinical consequences, patient factors, specific drugs
       involved, specific actions to take


       Qualtrics survey sent to Standards Team; results pending


           User-centered definition of clinical consequence


       Beta blocker+Epinephrine and Warfarin+NSAIDs decision trees


   Discussion of Suggested DDIs


       4 additional PDDIs were agreed upon:https://goo.gl/rYpmjt


       Several categories were discussed in depth


       Evidence supporting the interaction is weak


           Citalopram+Amiodarone interaction will be removed


               In the case of citalopram+ amiodarone, there is a lot of
               evidence, but there is little risk associated with the


           Warfarin + antibiotics that don’t inhibit CYP2C9 is a much
           better example of weak evidence


           Distinction between two separate ideas:


               1 – Trying to identify if there is a problem with a drug


                   Most interactions don’t have good evidence


               2 – People have studied it, but is there an increased
               risk of harm?


                   Not in the case of Citalopram+Amiodarone


           What exactly are we talking about in terms of “evidence
           supporting the interaction”


               Different answers based on different questions


                   Is there a potential interaction? Yes


                   Is there a clinically important/pharmacodynamic
                   interaction? No


                   Is there a potential kinetic interaction? Yes, but
                   we don’t know if there’s evidence of it


           Question of scoping – is this model/are these examples
           focusing on things with clinical effects, or is it broader?


               What about pharmacokinetic effects?  What about what
               patients are interested in?


           Needs further thought


       Mechanism is not known


           Warfarin + fibrates:  does not necessarily apply for the
           class; removed


           Pravastatin + paroxetine:  issue of potentially spurious
           relationship based on data mining; removed


       Frequency of exposure is/is not available


       Frequency of adverse effects is/is not available


           Discussion about definitions of “frequency” and “exposure”


               What is the purpose of including these as information items?


                   If we keep the frequency is/is not available
                   categories in, they will allow us to fill in gaps
                   with our datasets


           Really depends on your numerator and denominator


               Defining the populations; depending on source, you can
               get lots of different information


           How do you define when exposure matters?


               Can we define a cohort of patients, and what kind of
               exposure matters (when, where, under what setting)?


           Not a straightforward set of categories; need to define further


           Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) <http://pqaalliance.org/>–
           quality measures at health system level; creating a list of
           drug interactions of concern based on large claims database


               Not included in the list of our stakeholders (focused on
               researchers, drug compendia editors)


                   Should we include this stakeholder group?


               Needs further discussion


   Next Steps


       Will send out several more questionnaires to move things forward


           Stakeholder descriptions


           Drug interaction categories


       Need to define evidence


           Absence of evidence vs. evidence showing lack of clinical


           Kinetic interaction vs. interaction requiring clinical


       Frequency of exposure data and adverse event data


           Defining for the minimum information model


           Their purpose as information items

     o Consider health service quality measures vs. clinically-oriented

Richard D Boyce, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Faculty, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing
Faculty, Geriatric Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Gero-Informatics Research and 
Training Program
University of Pittsburgh
Office: 412-648-9219
Twitter: @bhaapgh

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