Dear HCLS,

Alan and I will be presenting the HCLS "URI Note" at Friday's
face-to-face.  As homework in preparation for this we would like for
anyone attending to look over the latest draft.  It is still very much
a work in progress (>60 to-do items at present count) but is much more
complete and stable than it was even two weeks ago.  Because we're
still trying decide a number of questions of both content and
presentation, what we most need right now is statements of preference:
tell us things in the draft that you like or don't like.

At the meeting we're hoping to get preapproval to publish an authors'
draft (unofficial) on the web site.  Publication may be
contingent on making certain changes, but if possible we'd would
prefer to avoid another round of review before going to  How
to proceed is of course up to you. And remember we're only asking
for permission to put up an authors' draft. We will explain the process
to final publication as that gets closer.

So that everyone is on the same page, so to speak, please read:

The following location will always hold the latest draft:

If there are egregious problems, I will fix them by making a version
40, but otherwise I will try to resist the temptation to tweak.

Thanks to everyone who has helped so far.


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