Here are my notes from last Tuesday's DRO (middle-grained rhetorical structure) 
discussion. I've put them on the wiki -- please feel free to add to or amend 

Sudesna & I will talk about DEXI Tuesday -- the current version of DEXI is at

My regrets for our larger conference call--Monday I'm in a meeting and just 
found out that my talk will be during our conference call slot.


Notes from the DRO discussion 2010-12-07
Tim Clark, Silvio Peroni, Jodi Schneider, David Shotton, Anita de Waard. 
(Alexander Garcia Castro -- unfortunately with line trouble)
Anita gave a little history about the middle-grained ontology project, which 
we're calling DRO.

We then discussed ORB, which consists of 5 disjoint classes: Header 
Introduction Methods Discussion References Some discussion concerned its 
alignment with external ontologies and structure, which we passed on to Tim to 
convey (and has since been discussed on the email list).

We then discussed DeXI, which is subset of OBI+MyExperiment+SWAN, under 
development by Sudeshna Das and others. We've since learned that the current 
version is at

Tim explained that they're starting with genomic lab experiments and 
observational population studies. Covers experimental hypotheses, design, 
factors (similar to DRO's objects of study), characteristics of the 
biomaterial. While it's still missing a few concepts from the computational 
side, it already gives the ability to take an experimental finding in a paper 
and map it to the things you could export from arrayExpress (a public 
repository for microarray gene expression data, "genBank for arrays").

We next discussed DoCO. David Shotton explained that its goal is to republish 
documents and metadata as open Linked Data, starting with documents in the NLM 
DTD, to support the Open Bibliographic Project. There was some skepticism 
regarding converting a DTD into RDF. Smaller publishers are interested in using 
this; larger publishers have little incentive to change DTDs and have 
established workflows around custom formats used for a great variety of 
structures (not just research articles but also books, etc).

        • Tim will ping Paolo about the ORB write-up for a W3C note
        • Anita will share Ron Daniel's email about aligning the ORB Header 
with OAI, PRISM, DC, ...
        • Tim to put Jodi in touch with Sudeshna Das regarding DeXI
        • Tim to take feedback about ORB to Paolo and Tudor (e.g. referencing 
Head and References externally, Tail, …)

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