Dear webapps,
This note is to forward a minor comment from the I18N WG about your document
"Manifest for web applications" [1] that we missed forwarding previously.
Our comment is editorial in nature:
The title of the specification is "Manifest for web application". Should this
be "Manifest
Hello Art,
Could you better define what "soon" means? More specifically, do you have a
deadline for comments? I don't see any dates in the thread below.
Addison Phillips
Principal SDE, I18N Architect (Amazon)
Chair (W3C I18N WG)
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architect
> > This appears to make visual selection appealing--although it doesn't, for
> > the
> reasons mentioned elsewhere, lead to sensible text operations unless the
> selected run happens to be all in a single direction.
> and if the text runs all in a single direction, there's no difference betwee
> >> what's the use case driving this, and where are the requirements
> >> coming from?
> >>
> >> i ask because i'm inclined to think that the circumstances in which
> >> this would a produce useful results, given the way it carves up the
> >> actual content, are quite, perhaps extremely, limited.
> -Original Message-
> From: Christiansen, Kenneth R []
> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 1:15 AM
> To: Phillips, Addison;
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: I18N comments on "Manifest for Web applicati
From Tracker:
In section 8.3 there are instructions for comparing/extracting size values that
are either the string 'any' or in the format wwwxyyy (e.g. 1024x768). This
section refers to ASCII case-insensitive comparison in an appr
From Tracker:
The 'name' manifest member does not provide a means of indicating the base
direction of the name string. This is equivalent to extracting the 'dir'
attribute appropriat
From Tracker:
The 'name' manifest member does not provide a way to indicate the language of
the string. This may be necessary for proper presentation/rendering of the
name, since, fo
From Tracker:
Section 6.1 discusses the steps in obtaining a manifest. There is no discussion
of obtaining a correctly localized reference, particularly for use in cases
where the sour
From Tracker:
There is an example of a manifest, but no example of non-English or non-ASCII
data. Please consider adding some of each.
(This is an editorial comment)
From tracker:
Having read the entire document, I can't find any mention of localizbility.
There is no way to indicate in the manifest the language of any of the language
bearing metadata (name, short_name, etc.) nor a way to indicate differen
Hello Webapps,
As previously mentioned, I am about to send you comments from the
Internationalization Working Group on your document (whose current iteration
lives at [1]). Because we use Tracker for our comments, I will be sending each
comment under separate cover. The I18N WG is always happy
Dear webapps,
The Internationalization Working Group is reviewing [2] your specification
"Manifest for web application" per your request [1]. We were unable to complete
our review during this week's teleconference. Our next teleconference is
scheduled for 5 March, which is your deadline for com
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Phillips, Addison
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 12:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Last Call for: "Encoding"
> All,
> Today, 3 June 2014, the Internationalization
Dear Webapps,
Glenn Adams was kind enough to copy me on a recent note regarding the proposal
to add IME API work to your charter [1]. The I18N Core WG discussed this
proposal at our most recent teleconference [2]. Members of the WG are receptive
to reviewing and commenting on this work. Several
Hi Marcos and Webapps,
This is a personal last call comment [chair hat off]. I realize that it is
late, but I was on vacation
A developer recently sent me a code review implementing the latest spec and I
found some code that was utterly mystifying to me. It turns out that he
implemented ru
In section 9.1.3 of the Widget P&C, the first step of the algorithm to find a
file says:
Let path be the valid path to the file entry being sought by the user agent.
"valid path" is defined by a rather strict grammar — paths that have a double
slash aren't matched by the grammar e.g. "path//to/
Robin Berjon asked:
>> I happened to be referring to the Widget spec this morning
> Out of curiosity: in what context?
One such context is on-going work on JavaScript/ECMAScript
internationalization. My team at Lab126 is implementing the strawman [1] (and
then some) for the Kindle version of
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcos Caceres []
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 6:17 AM
> To: Arthur Barstow
> Cc: Phillips, Addison;;
> Subject: Re: Minor comments on Widgets
> Hi Art,
is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Phillips, Addison
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:41 AM
> To: ''
> Cc: ''
> Subject: Minor comments on Widgets
> Hello Webapps WG,
> (
Hello Webapps WG,
(these are personal comments)
I happened to be referring to the Widget spec this morning and noticed a few
minor items that I feel should be brought to your attention.
1. Section 5.3 (Zip Relative Paths). The ABNF defines "language-range". I think
this is not desirable. Lang
Dear Webapps WG,
This is a personal comment on the Widgets P&C draft dated 5 October 2010. I
recognize that your last call period closed, however, a colleague of mine
noticed that rule 9 at [1] defines only the ASCII alphabetic ranges and does
not include the ASCII digits. This means that it ca
Dear Marcos,
[this is a reply on behalf of the Internationalization Core WG]
We agree that not providing a default locale for a Widget is an oversight in
the Widget's localization model. The ability to provide multiple languages in
the configuration file or in the locales directory structure do
Hello Art, Marcos, and Webapps,
During our teleconference yesterday [1], I was tasked with formally replying to
this request on behalf of the Internationalization WG.
I would still like to see the 'locale' field restored to the interface. It's
important to be able to query which locale the wid]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 5:16 AM
> To:; Phillips, Addison;
> Cc: public-webapps
> Subject: Re: Comment on Widget Interface...
> Hi Addison - our Widget Interface spec is blocked, pending
> feedback
> from the I
gically be defined in The
>> Widget Interface, no?
> It used to be:
> It was removed in later revisions.
>> cheers
>>> On 30 Sep 2010, at 20:37, Scott Wilson wrote:
Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Arthur Barstow []
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 11:15 AM
> To: Phillips, Addison
> Cc: public-webapps; public-i18n-c...@w3
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 6:18 AM
> To: Phillips, Addison
> Cc: public-webapps
> Subject: Re: Comment on Widget Interface...
> Hi Addison,
> On 9/7/10 6:06 PM, ext Phillips, Addison wrote:
> > Hello Webapps WG,
> >
> > (This is a personal
Hello Webapps WG,
(This is a personal comment and is not necessarily indicative of the I18N WG's
In Section 5 (The Widget Interface), the interface provides for retrieving
values such as 'name', 'shortName', etc. In Widgets P&C, these can be localized
in the configuration document (I
(personal response)
Having case-sensitive file/folder matching is going to lead to frustrated
authors being unable to figure out why their localizations don't work. If there
is no way to do case-less matching in the widget engine itself, I think your
solution is workable. While it would be nice
Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of Nebojša
> Ciric
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 5:35 PM
> To: Doug Schepers
> Cc: Robin Berjon;
-- Lab126
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mark Davis ?
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:14 PM
To: Phillips, Addison
Cc: Robin Berjon; "Jungshik Shin
itect -- Lab126
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Robin Berjon []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:49 AM
> To: =?utf-
> 8?q?=22jungshik_shin_=28=ec=8b=a0=ec=a0=95=ec=8b...@poing.nachbaur.
> com; _?= 申政
I think that Internationalization support in JavaScript has been too long
overlooked and represents a barrier to development of multilingual web sites.
The Internationalization WG actually approached the ECMASCript folks about
providing for international support in the JavaScript language.
> From: Marcos Caceres []
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 4:35 AM
> To: "Martin J. Dürst"
> Cc: Felix Sasaki; Arthur Barstow; Phillips, Addison; public-i18n-
>; public-webapps; Richard Ishida
> Subject: Re: i18n comments:
> Thanks Addison - and yes, I think this makes a lot of sense for a
> "content"-style spec like HTML, however as the Widgets P&C is a
> configuration document most of which is IRIs, integers and so on
> rather than text content its less of a clear case.
No, I understand and don't disagree. H
Hi Scott,
One reason to make 'dir' available on higher-level elements is that 'dir', like
'xml:lang', has scope. It is often useful to specify a "base" directionality
for an entire document or block of elements rather than having to repeat it
over-and-over on each affected element. I can agree
Hello Marcin,
Thank you for the note. This is a PERSONAL response.
I immediately spotted some red flags in your email. You state:
> 1. The widget configuration document may contain only US-ASCII
> characters, and thus conform to P&C.
This appears to me to be false. The widget configuration docu
Best Regards,
Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Lab126
Chair -- W3C Internationalization WG
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcos Caceres []
> Sent:
(personal response)
> Fantastic. Unfortunately, implementer feedback has raised concerns
> about ITS and so the WG has put ITS features "at risk" (and marked
> as
> such in the soon to be released CR spec). We will see what happens
> in
> CR; hopefully implementers will understand the value of
(personal response)
> The WebApps WG believes that removing the redundant repetitions in
> a
> standardized way may avoid interop issues. Having said that, in the
> latest editors' draft, the rightmost occurrences are removed (as
> suggested above).
Actually, I don't believe that there are int
Hello Marcos,
Sorry about the delay in responding to your e-mail of the 16th [1] regarding
the document at:
Our WG had a bit of a break due to holidays, etc., so we're just now catching
up. I realize that your WG had a desired date of the 23rd for
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcos Caceres []
> Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 8:03 AM
> To: Phillips, Addison
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: Widgets 1.0 Packaging and Configuration: I18N
> comments.
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Marcos Caceres
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Phillips, Addison
> wrote:
> >> 2. Section 7.4 (Widget) The various language bearing elements
> such as , , etc. are of the zero-or-one type.
> However, it
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Lachlan Hunt []
> Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 3:16 PM
> To: Phillips, Addison
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: [selectors-api] Selecto [mailto:public-i18n-core-
>] On Behalf Of Phillips, Addison
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 10:40 AM
> To: Lachlan Hunt
> Cc:;
> Subject: RE: [selectors-api] Selectors API I18N Review...
Dear Webapps WG,
The Internationalization Core WG has reviewed the following document:
Here are our comments:
1. In section 7, starting in 7.3 and encompassing each of the text bearing
elements that follow, "xml:lang" is defined as an attribute (g
ponse from us shortly.
Kind Regards,
Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Lab126
Chair -- W3C Internationalization WG
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.
> -Original Message-
> From: Lachlan Hunt []
> Sent
Dear Webapps WG,
I am writing on behalf of the I18N Core WG who discussed the Selectors API WD
in our call of 3 December [1].
We reviewed the Selectors API working draft. In reviewing this draft, we did
not find any internationalization issues in the text of the document. However,
we would lik
I have just now reviewed all of your responses again and am satisfied (within
the limits of what you can reasonably do, especially wrt the Zip limitations
:-)). Thanks for working with us on this.
Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Lab126
Internationalization is not a fea
ld be matched, then
base URI would be "widget://f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6/de"and the
widget locale would be "de".
Addison Phillips
Globalization Arch
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