Below is the draft agenda and logistics for the March 4 Widgets Voice Conference (VC).

Inputs and discussion before the VC on all of the agenda topics via public-webapps is encouraged (as it can result in a shortened meeting). Please address Open/Raised Issues and Open Actions before the meeting:

Minutes from the last VC:

-Regards, Art Barstow

= Agenda:

1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

a. No call March 11; next call will be March 18

3. Packaging and Configuration spec

a. <span> and dir attribute proposal 0715.html

b. Status of Widget BiDI spec

4. Access Requests Policy (WARP) spec

a. Test suite status and plans

5. URI Scheme spec

a. Julian Reschke's 25-Feb comment: 0713.html

6. AOB

a. Next and last call in March is March 18 (no calls on March 11 or 25)

b. Heads-up: time for March 18 will be the same in US but 1 hour earlier in Europe (14:00 Paris)

= Logistics:

Time: 22:00 Tokyo; 16:00 Helsinki; 15:00 Paris; 14:00 London; 09:00 Boston; 06:00 Seattle
 Duration: 90 minutes max
 Zakim Bridge:+1.617.761.6200, + or +44.117.370.6152
 PIN: 9231 ("WAF1");
IRC: channel = #wam; irc:// ; member-bin/irc/irc.cgi
 Confidentiality of minutes: Public

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