The minutes from the October 20 Widgets f2f meeting are available at the following and copied below:


WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send them to the public-webapps mail list before October 23 (next Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered approved.

-Regards, Art Barstow



                               - DRAFT -

                          Widgets f2f Meeting

20 Oct 2008



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Mark, David, Claudio, Benoit, Marcos, Art, Arve, Mike,
          Fabrice_Desre, Paddy, Josh, Sophie_Aveline, Hyunjeong_Lee,
          Nick, Larry_Masinter, Dan_Connolly, Noah_M, Norm_Walsh,
          Ashok_Malhotra, Oracle, TAG, Stefano_Crosta, Henri, Hixie,




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Introductions
         2. [6]Agenda review and tweaking
         3. [7]Issue #46 - I18N
         4. [8]Section 5.4 Need validator's point of view
         5. [9]Section 5.5 Need for a MIME type
         6. [10]Version String in Section 6.14
         7. [11]Section 7 Need to add cp437 text
         8. [12]Section 8.2 - What do we do if run out of space?
         9. [13]Section 8.2, Step #10 - How to handle SVG Icon Formats
        10. [14]Section 8.2, Step #11 - Is additional security model
            needed here?
        11. [15]Prep for URI scheme meeting with the TAG
        12. [16]Joint meeting with TAG Members regarding Widget URI
        13. [17]Section 8.2, Step #11 - Need to describe what happens
            if the widget already exists
        14. [18]Section 9.1 locating thumbnails
     * [19]Summary of Action Items

   <timeless> that reminds me, i should d/l the maps + favorite the

   <abarsto> Date: 20 October 2008

   <abarsto> Scribe: Art

   <abarsto> ScribeNick: ArtB

   <timeless> 10a. Can you invite zakim?


   <abarsto> [ round robin of Widgets people mostly ]

   <abarsto> Fabrice: Orange/FT AC rep

Agenda review and tweaking

   <abarsto> AB: agenda:


   <abarsto> AB: any changes or additions?

   <abarsto> MP: what about OpenAjax's API style guide?

   <abarsto> AB: how about I add it to AOB?

   <abarsto> MP: OK

   <abarsto> AB: I can also ask Chaals to let us know if/when he
   discusses it

Issue #46 - I18N

   <abarsto> AB: what remains to be done with this issue?

   <abarsto> MC: I have addressed this issue in the spec

   <abarsto> ... The main issue is how to address LtoR and RtoL in the
   same piece of text

   <abarsto> ... I added OPTIONAL support for the ITS' span element

   <abarsto> ... If supported must support its:dir atrribute too

   <abarsto> ... Not clear if we need to bind its:dir to widgets
   description or name element.

   <abarsto> ... Thus I need to clarify with the I18N WG

   <abarsto> ... This also means I needed to change our RELAXNG schema

   <abarsto> AB: any recommendations on the its:dir binding issue?

   <abarsto> ... It would be optional, right?

   <abarsto> MC: yes, it would be optional

   <abarsto> AB: OK, so we leave this open for now

   <abarsto> ... and try to close it by the end of this meeting.

   <abarsto> MC: If I can meet with Felix we can close this today

   <abarsto> MS: yes, I can make that intro.

   MC: this issue surfaces because ZIP encodes filename differently on
   different OS's e.g. Mac does it one way and Widows does something
   differentMS: if we are doing something differently from other specs
   i.e. the URI or IRI specs, I would be concernedAB: does this mean
   there is a hole in the IRI specMC: no; the problem is different OS's
   handling... we need to take care of these interop probsAB: action
   plan is what then?

   [ MC demonstrates some of the interop issues ... ]

   AB: what's the action plan?

   MC: I need to implement what's spec'ed

   AB: does this need to be done before LC?

   MC: yes

   AB: can anyone help Marcos?

   [ No voluneeters :-( ]

   BS: can someone here at the TPAC help?

   MC: it's a bit ugly and nitty-gritty
   ... but I can do it
   ... Need to actually look at the ZIP files in hex

   [ MC shows HexEdit example of a .zip file ]

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

   MC: if not utf8, use cp437
   ... I think Josh can help me

Section 5.4 Need validator's point of view

   MC: this was raised by Dom
   ... I added some related text to the definitions
   ... Also need to reflect the view of a validator
   ... I don't think this is a high priority
   ... If someone wants to contribute, that would be good

   AB: any volunteers for a conformance checker?
   ... perhaps we can some W3C staff/webreq help
   ... I'll check with Mike

   <scribe> ACTION: Barstow see if the W3C systeam/webreq can help with
   a conformance checker [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-257 - See if the W3C systeam/webreq can
   help with a conformance checker [on Arthur Barstow - due

   AB: I would imagine that type of service could be included in a
   Widget repository service

   MC: something like this could be added to

   AB: this is Henri's service?

   MC: yes, but just giving a schema isn't that helpful
   ... need to provide "hints" too
   ... I believe is Open Source so we could roll our own
   ... the note in Section 5.4 has been removed since I think its
   priority is too low

Section 5.5 Need for a MIME type

   AB: [22]
   ... a potential sub-issue here is Security Concerns
   ... I would expect IANA to have a template for what's required
   ... RFC 4289 defines the process


   [ We spend some type looking at the W3C/IANA MIME registration
   procedures ]

   AB: do we need to complete the template?
   ... We can check the precedence
   ... a question I have is if we need to complete the template before
   we publish a LC doc

Version String in Section 6.14

   AB: [23] (now in
   section 6.15)
   ... what are you looking for?


   MC: that should not be there
   ... this should be in the update spec, not P&C

   MP: if it is in the Update spec then where?

   MC: in the update element

   MP: if you want version info in the widget but won't have an update,
   what do you do?

   PB: so version attribute on widget element remains?

   MC: yes

   AB: so the update element will have a verison attribute too?

   MC: yes

   <scribe> ACTION: Macros move the version string section from P&C
   spec to the Updates spec [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Macros

   <scribe> ACTION: Marcos move the version string section from P&C
   spec to the Updates spec [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-260 - Move the version string section from
   P&C spec to the Updates spec [on Marcos Caceres - due 2008-10-27].

   MC: there is another spec being written by David Orchard re template
   for attributes
   ... I have used text from URI Template (RFC working draft)

   <scribe> ACTION: Barstow determine the status of URI Template RFC
   and report back to WG [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-261 - Determine the status of URI Template
   RFC and report back to WG [on Arthur Barstow - due 2008-10-27].

   MC: another discussion we can have is the use of this template
   mechanism for other elements in the Updates spec

   AB: do we need to consider its usage in the P&C spec?

   MC: no
   ... we can use OMA's DL spec e.g. for status codes
   ... regarding the Update spec.

Section 7 Need to add cp437 text

   AB: the agenda mentions this issue but I think it has now been
   ... Is that right, Marcos?

   MC: yes, consider this part of the URI/IRI proc model discussion we
   had earlier.

   [ Take a Coffee Break ]

Section 8.2 - What do we do if run out of space?

   AB: status Marcos?

   MC: I removed this because it is an implementation issue
   ... Josh added this

   ABe: I agree it is an implementation detail for the P&C spec
   ... also agree it is a real implemenation detail for an

   MC: I changed related text


   ABe: I think the new text is sufficient

   AB: Josh, what do you think (you raised this issue)?

   MC: I would expect an impl to use the ZIP header to determine the
   space needed and do the right thing

   JS: this is OK with me

Section 8.2, Step #10 - How to handle SVG Icon Formats

   AB: see [28]
   ... what can we expect to do with this issue?


   MC: we need feedback from implementors
   ... need to understand the interactivity e.g. if the SVG has some

   ABe: the JS could run outside of the widget
   ... We wouldn't be able to do anything about security in that case

   MC: my feeling is we should drop SVG for v1
   ... and add it to v2

   ABe: the problem that will introduce is that most operators will
   require SVG for icon formats

   MP: yes, I believe that is true for us

   JS: it's not just a graphics format (and static) but it can also be
   an app format i.e. actually running as the "main" widget

   CV: we need to support SVG Tiny
   ... and 1.2 is preferred

   MC: we have an open issue regarding 1.1 vs 1.2
   ... the issue is how to handle the events on the icon e.g. via XHR
   ... the question is do we allow that
   ... Will it introduce too much implementation burden

   BS: think the most important requirement is the image format
   ... and interactivity is secondary importance
   ... I think the most common usage is static icon images

   AB: any other comments?

   MC: I think we should leave this as an impl detail
   ... it is optional to support SVG as an icon format

   AB: if we do that, what interop probs will there be?

   JS: could add a should for widget authors re SVG icon format

   ABe: not sure about use of should; could be too strong
   ... perhaps should use MAY

   MC: I've stopped using normative text regarding authoring reqs

   JS: so it's more of a hint in this case?

   MC: yes

   ABe: we could remove the entire author req

   MC: no, I disagree; want to keep it
   ... but those who want it will add; otherwise they won't

   AB: are these "Author Requirements" non-normative?

   MS: don't call them "Guidelines"
   ... perhaps they should be in a sep doc

   JS: we could leave them in for now

   MC: yes, they could be in a separate doc

   AB: are these Autho Reqs normative or non-normative?

   MC: I think they should be Normative

   MS: If we are going to build a validator, they should be Normative
   ... are there constraints that cannot be expressed in a schema?

   MC: yes, some of the ZIP constraints

   MS: if you want these reqs to be in the validator, they should be

   MC: agree; DOM raised a similar issue
   ... perhaps the Author reqs should be changed to "Conformance

   MS: that is what HTML5 does
   ... with some text to qualify relationship to authoring

   MC: I can re-write all of the Author Reqs to Conformance Reqs and
   make them all Normative

   AB: any objections?

   [ None ]

   JS: should we check with Hixie re HTML5?

   MC: I talked to HTML5 this morning
   ... he is considering a script to move authoring stuff into a sep

   JS: I'm OK with doing this way

   MC: there is another issue
   ... this could be a problem if we add a new "Product"
   ... We would now have a 4th product.
   ... And the Conformance Checker can claim conformance to the spec

   AB: can you do that?

   MC: yes, I can do that
   ... let someone else create the Conformance Checker.

   AB: any volunteers?

   RESOLUTION: all of the Author requirements will be changed to
   Conformance Checker requirements and all of these requirements will
   be Normative.

   LM: I don't recall seeing a good definition of Conformance Checker

   MC: I hope that isn't a rat hole
   ... HTML5 attempts to make such a definition

   MS: we could look at what has been done in HTML5

Section 8.2, Step #11 - Is additional security model needed here?

   AB: [29]
   ... what
   ... is the issue?


   MC: this may be out of scope for this spec
   ... Not sure we need to go beyond what is specified

   AB: what do people think?

   PB: not sure what the security issue is

   MC: need to spec how to put something on the screen and what we need
   to say about runtime requirements
   ... eg. if the widget tries to do something that raises a security
   ... What do we specify regarding instantiation e.g. security
   ... does HTML5 deal with this?

   MS: the latest ED of HTMl5 doesn't say anything about rendering

   MC: I could talk to Hixie

   MS: we could ask for an Editor to draft some text

   PB: within BONDI, we are interested in the security policy related
   to the instantiation

   MC: we used to have a step #12 which tried to deal with this
   ... but it was remove because this is out of scope

   AB: I'm OK with leaving step #11 as is
   ... any objections to deleting the security model issue from Step

   [ None ]

   RESOLUTION: Step #11 of the P&C will not address the security model

   ABe: I'm uncomfortable with separating the P&C spec from Security
   ... e.g. it could create some new authoring issues

   MC: we do need to spec the security models
   ... expect BONDI to do some relevant work here that we may be able
   to use
   ... expect a separate policy doc from the config doc

   MP: agree, we envision the policy doc as a separate from the config

   MC: we could bind the config doc to the policy doc via the feature

   MP: we need to discus how to bind the security policy to the config
   ... could use the feature element
   ... Could add a new permissions element to the access element
   ... and it could contain a string that defines a permission

   MC: do you have an example of use case?

   PB: from MIDP, can use an API to open any channel (e.g. BT, Socket,
   ... If want generic APIs, need a way to grant permissions

   MP: may need to have different policies for different APIs

   [ Marcos enters an example into his ED draft ]

   <marcos> Option 1: <feature uri="[30]"; />


   <marcos> Option 2.<feature uri="[31]";>


   <marcos> <param name="celltowers" value="true"/>

   <marcos> </feature>

   AB: we will add this topic to the agenda this afternoon or tomorrow

Prep for URI scheme meeting with the TAG

   [ Marcos shows preview of the slides he will present to the TAG ]

   <scribe> ACTION: Marcos send Widget URI scheme slides to one of
   {member,public}-webapps [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-265 - Send Widget URI scheme slides to one
   of {member,public}-webapps [on Marcos Caceres - due 2008-10-27].

   <timeless> ScribeNick timeless

Joint meeting with TAG Members regarding Widget URI scheme

   <timeless> ScribeNick: timeless

   <ArtB> AB: I chair this WG

   <ArtB> MC: I am the Editor of this spec

   <ArtB> NM: member of TAG from IBM

   <ArtB> NW: Norm Walsh TAG

   MC: [ presents slideshow "Widget URI Scheme" ]

   <ArtB> DC: W3C, member of TAG

   MC: Widget is a client side application - that runs on your computer
   ... primarily it's a light application, written using web
   ... . Use cases include possibly embedding a widget into a web page
   ... - similar to embedding a flash applet into a web page
   ... - we aren't talking about Google Gadgets or Microsoft Gadgets
   ... . Our applications are packaged, they come in a zip file,
   ... all resources come in the file.
   ... We've gone through a requirements gathering phaze for the past
   two years
   ... OMTP has been gathering requirements for over a year.
   ... We have a landscape document which is undergoing review.
   ... And I'm also working on a Thesis describing this.
   ... Inside zip there is a header that says that the data contained
   in this file entry relates to this data.
   ... When you instantiate a widget, you need a way to tell the widget
   user agent that this widget
   ... resource lives within the zip file.
   ... The hierarchy refers to elements with-in the zip file.
   ... The reference exists within the DOM.
   ... We don't want the URI scheme to have the ability to reference
   things outside the resource.
   ... As we want to be able to embed widgets into web pages,
   ... we don't want them to conflict with browser handling.

   <noah> Stefano Crosta.

   AB: We have a slide for each of the candidates

   MC: file:...
   ... with dashboard widgets, if you query the dom node for an image,
   it will expose the full path to the image
   ... including the username.
   ... The current specification for file is obsolete.
   ... There is a new document which doesn't specify, but merely
   indicates errors in the handling.

   ABe: Using the file uri scheme is not an option for Opera
   ... as you can't reference a file: resource from another protocol.
   ... This reduces the number of possible exploits.

   MC: Mike does HTML5 specify the security boundary for http<=>file?

   MS: I don't believe it's that specific.

   MC: cid:...
   ... my personal opinion is that it's underspecified, especially
   involving encoding.
   ... although it would be possible for widgets to specify this.

   <DanC_lap> (cid: clearly doesn't meet the hierarchical requirement.
   the other arguments are much less strong)

   <DanC_lap> Norm Walsh, aka NDW

   NDW: If the packaging format was still open, then i think it could
   be considered

   <DanC_lap> "obscure" applies to widget: too. (as does "no standard"
   from the file: slide)

   NDW: but if you've already accepted Zip, then I understand that it
   doesn't fit.

   MC: http:...
   ... TimBL proposed it.

   <DanC_lap> (I wondered earlier if [33]http://engine/widget/path was
   analagous to
   blink.js . indeed.)

     [33] http://engine/widget/path
[34] chrome/js/blink.js

   Noah: do you have update scenairos.
   ... if so, then I think you need to posit update scenarios

   <noah> If you have update scenarios, then you need to compare how
   the various schemes compare in supporting them.

   <noah> If you don't need update, then I would say that the
   incremental cost of declining POST/PUT/DELETE in HTTP is very low.

   MC: Suppose we do offer HTTP, then someone might choose to implement
   a server which did support POST

   Noah: Don't compare widget: to http: based on the different
   ... only compare them against the same baseline.

   ABe: in practice that would lead to user agents having two
   implementations of http.

   <DanC_lap> DanC

   DanC: yes

   <noah> User agent or server? Seems to me it's the server that
   declines POST/PUT/DELETE

   <DanC_lap> (two implementations of http: in browsers is cheaper to
   the rest of the community than two uri schemes)

   NDW: I assume these names are just names and that they aren't bound
   to other things.

   <noah> The user agent needs to respond properly to that status code.
   Existing user agents will do that, one would assume.

   <DanC_lap> (we somehow switched from evaluating proposal against
   requirements to pros/cons. I'll hang on to see if we get back, I

   MC: We've got no notion of origin in our widgets.
   ... There's no notion of authority.
   ... if we're tweaking http too much, at what point is it no longer

   DanC: tim's proposal is that the thing is on a web server.

   Noah: there are two ways to model this
   ... in one model there's a web server in the form of a proxy.
   ... as long as there's some way to assign a uri to it.

   MC: you're talking about identity.

   JS: what happens when you die>

   noah: that sucks< you can put that into the Cons list

   <DanC_lap> (I gather widget: uses guids. you can stick guids in
   domain names, eg. )

   noah: but what happens if someone goes to IANA and steals the widget

   MC: the real use case for this is resolving the dom nodes.
   ... images, iframes, they all need to resolve to something.

   <Norm> So, is it the case that you require the ordinary, web agent
   built-in URI resolution system to resolve the URI. That is, if it's
   [35] the web browser is going to do the
   natural thing


   JS: then you have the security problems evidenced by MHTML, CHM and
   a couple of other packages with shadowing.

   <Norm> ...which is to connect to that site.

   <DanC_lap> (I heard him say they identify widgets with unrestricted

   Noah: is it a potential pro that there's transparency so that the
   same widget could be deployed on the real web?

   <Norm> I believe there's a distinction between identifying the
   widgets themselves, and the *resources inside the widgets*

   Noah: granted that the caching is a complexity.

   JS: widget model has atomicity
   ... and there's already an update spec which handles updates

   AM: so you're describing something which is very specific to this
   ... it's just used for resolving names.

   ABe: it's only a convenience for resolving resources

   NDW: do you have a slide describing sample widget: uris?

   MC: no (not a slide)

   NDW: anything would be ok

   <DanC_lap> (hmm... where did I see widget: with a guiid)

   MC: we do have examples.

   JS: DanC: one of the potential candidates...

   MC: I'm just showing a few options

   widget: //widgetEngine/pack.wgt/some/path
   ... //widgetEngine/pack.wgt/some/path/to/file
   ... //pack.wgt/some/path/to/file.png

   NDW: so Noah and I have both made the world's greatest clock app?

   widget: //{uuid}/path/to/file.png

   <DanC_lap> (where do widget: uris occur? I gather only paths occur
   in href/src attributes)

   BS: In terms of ...

   Noah: traditionally when you have those things happening
   ... one is that you have something obscure (like a uuid)

   <DanC_lap> (also, the "what happens when you die and somebody takes
   over your domain?" concern applies to /someEngine/ too, yes?)

   Noah: are these things used to name the product?
   ... or are they something transient?
   ... If you're doing product naming then you have to run a registry.

   MC: digital signature document covers some of this.

   <Norm> scribenick: norm

   <timeless> JS: Suppose that instead of dealing with two different

   timeless: Suppose that instead of two people, you deal with one
   vendor and two installed instances of the same vendor.
   ... So you made the world's greatest clock, but I want to run it
   ... This has to be allowed, some widget engine might not allow it,
   but we expect in the general case that it will be possible.
   ... For these things, the general expectation is that the names are
   local. They're just so that the widget can introspect itself.

   <marcos> widget://widgetEngine/pack.wgt/some/path/to/file

   <marcos> widget://pack.wgt/some/path/to/file.png

   <marcos> widget://{uuid}/path/to/file.png

   <marcos> widget://path/to/file

   timeless: It shouldn't be able to be remotely readable. It's a
   privacy violation if you can see what else is running.

   NM: You could just name them 1, 2, 3, 4,...

   timeless: Without using those particular numbers.

   DanC: Where do widget: get resolved?

   timeless: In the DOM, where .source must be resolvable.
   ... For example, in img.src.

   DanC: No one ever writes these things down?

   timeless: You could, but it won't work.

   NM: I wonder if the thing to choose would be a less-obvious, less
   intrusive name. If you said these things were for people to write
   down, then widget: is simple.
   ... But if you never expect them to be written down, you could pick
   a more obscure name.

   ???: These things might one day appear in other spaces.

   <timeless> ABe: if MC would put dashboard back up

   <scribe> scribenick: timeless

   UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: the only potential i see for this to leak out

   <MikeSmith> browser architecture in general also suggests that
   things leak out (e.g., from XUL into gecko core)

   ABe: is a bizarre use case
   ... as you can see he has two clock instances

   <Zakim> DanC_lap, you wanted to ask where widget: URIs typically

   ABe: The possibility would be if you could package a skin for

   <Zakim> DanC_lap, you wanted to ask about js a la: if img.src =

   MC: as you can see this leaks the full path
   ... the security model of these applications is not equivalent to
   ... per the package resource you must specify which privileges you
   ... e.g. network=true|false
   ... plugins=true|false
   ... and additional features
   ... and we have a seperate policy language to control what is
   actually allowed

   DanC: so you guys are attacking the software installation problem

   MC: yes

   DanC: the slide layout changed for http

   MC: no, i wasn't comparing the protocols against them
   ... I was hoping through the magic of transitions, you'd be
   ... At this point we're open to anything
   ... But we see a lot of problems with http

   DanC: you're certainly changing the software implementation of http

   MC: there are going to be hundreds of things we'd have to say you
   can't do

   with http

   scribe: in terms of defining response codes.

   Noah: to me what's going to be harder
   ... the problem might be that when you do an http request
   ... for some cases you're going to want to do a real http request
   ... and some cases you won't.

   <DanC_lap> (I would use "subtle" where he used complex on the slide,
   but the point is pretty much the same)

   MC: even the overhead of adding the overhead of http is code+weight

   Noah: it's still very light as protocols.

   DanC: did the requirements list the security policy, e.g. same
   origin, details?

   <Norm> scribenick: Norm

   timeless: So, one of the things that widgets will do is ask for
   access to HTTP
   ... So they might call home and do work with their well known
   server, and probably only that server
   ... There's a bugzilla appilication that does caching and it would
   be nice if I could use it for any bugzilla.
   ... It's just a widget I've installed (purchased actually, there's a
   real vendor for this).
   ... It's a bugzilla UI, but it has no relation to the code for the
   standard bugzilla UI
   ... One of the things we've prioritized is "Networked: true or
   ... So it's going to access HTTP, it's going to want to phone home
   or talk to other servers, it's a purchased app that doesn't want to
   be shared

   <MikeSmith> ArtB: ↑

   ABe: Reusing http: introduces ambiguity, is [36] a
   pointer into the widget or a pointer to a resource on the "real"
   ... This is especially the case now that TLD has gone away.


   Noah: Is this really a collision? What two things have the same name

   DanC: It's not a collision, it's the same thing, one way is to get
   it from the remote server and the other way is to get it from the

   ABe: Then there's the problem of the signed package.

   <scribe> scribenick: timeless

   Noah: usually a signature is an invariant

   MC: when a signature changes, what do you do then?

   AB: time check

   MC: implementation detail...
   ... (Slide)
   ... hopefully i've proven to you that apple's solution of using file
   is a privacy issue and security risk

   <DanC_lap> (ah... so "implementation detail" doesn't prohibit file:)

   MC: I don't see leaving it as an implentation detail is an actual

   <Zakim> DanC_lap, you wanted to ask about the state of deployment
   and to explore the "implementation defined" proposal (e.g. run-time
   generated nonce scheme name)

   <Norm> DanC: Why not just make up the scheme names on the fly?

   <Norm> timeless: Scheme names can be added on the fly, after the
   application starts to run, so there would be the possibility of

   JS: ok

   MC: we need to consider extensibility of the uri scheme

   Noah: the design considerations are going to be very different in
   two instances

   <DanC_lap> DanC: I'd sure like to hear a consistent answer about
   whether these are internal-only names or not.

   Noah: make a decision about if it leaks out
   ... it feels wrong to design something hoping it doesn't leak out.

   <Norm> JS: One possibility, though not likely, imagine that I make a
   game where you click on the right or the left image.

   <Norm> ...If I store that in a preference (or maybe it's the base
   path of a theme)

   <Norm> ...I strip off just the picture name and I have the name for
   the theme.

   <Norm> ..The working assumption I have is that we could/would allow
   when you install an *instance* of a widget, the scheme could be
   frozen at that point.

   <DanC_lap> "In addition, a conforming specification MUST recommend
   that a widget user agent implement a means to persistently store
   user preferences for each widget instance. " --


   <Norm> ...That means I persist the theme base up to the image point.
   I don't ever show it to the user, but I do use it and I do show it
   to the widget engine.

   <Norm> DanC: So that's a pretty clear answer: these aren't just for
   a single, running instance

   <Norm> JS: It's not usefully leaked out to a web server, but it's
   lifetime might be as long as that instance is installed.

   Noah: it seems like you are exposing two things
   ... it seems like you're offering to have a management policy which
   shows groups of related instances

   <Norm> JS: I think personally, the HTML5 has this persistence stuff
   which is new, I don't know what sort of user interface it has.

   <Norm> ...Suppose it's like cookies, users can see related cookies.
   In today's scheme, the logical thing is the domain.

   <Norm> ...As long as the widget user agent stores which widget got
   which random ID, it would be ok.

   <Norm> ...Though it might be easier from an implementation
   perspective to split on the name instead of hashing it.

   <Zakim> DanC_lap, you wanted to ask about guuids in widget: uris

   Danc: is widget:uuid in your current draft

   MC: it was in a draft, it is no longer

   DanC: have you decided in favor/against?

   MC: it's an open issue

   DanC: what's state of the art?

   ABe: Opera 9.6 on desktop and probably base for windows mobile and
   ... probably uses widget and some widgetuseragent generated bit
   ... it's only meaningful for the device
   ... it also establishes a security model for accessing things
   ... as the browser can reuse the cross domain security module
   ... we're using an identifier because it's an incredibly convinently
   way to establish a same origin policy

   DanC: and the fact that it's not easily guessable
   ... if that it's not easily guessable is a requirement
   ... then that rules out domain names.

   ABe: this is based on Opera's internal choices which predate the
   consensus (not yet established)
   ... of the working group

   PB: Even if the unique identifier were guessed, knowing that, no
   widget would have any greater rights
   ... the hard to guess requirement comes from privacy,
   ... number of installed entities.

   <DanC_lap> (I need to remember this bit about security constraints
   that suggest install-time names and talk with timbl about it. my
   brain is not a reliable storage medium now. I wonder if I should
   make a TAG tracker action.)

   MC: the runtime will still block widget accessing other widgets
   because of identifier/origin crossing

   JS: MC "instantiated a new instance of the clock widget"

   ABe: currently that on Opera desktop involves downloading another

   MC: I believe Apple downloads it again

   BS: For windows, there's one on disk image and two memory instances.

   ABe: whether instantiation involves by copying on disk or not is an
   implementation detail
   ... which doesn't affect the discussion at any point.

   MC: TAG: do you feel we have enough grounds for a new uri scheme?
   ... if not, what do we need to do?

   DanC: you need to establish the right requirements

   AB: I agree we need to flesh out the requirements
   ... I think they're in the points MC listed but not fleshed out

   <DanC_lap> (ArtB, is that in the requirements document?)

   Noah: I think you need to establish for all time whether things leak

   JS: requirements doc is [38]




   Noah: if you think they're going to leak out....
   ... I would really look at the registry issues.

   <Norm> NW: My position is roughly in line with Noah's. If you're
   going to allow these things to leak out, or if it's going to be
   valuable to share them, then I think the logical thing to do would
   be to use http: URIs in that case.

   <Norm> ...And if you do that, I'd be highly motivated to see if it's
   possible to use http: for all the names so that you don't need to

   MC: is there a precedent for a readonly server

   DanC: i think debian package names

   <DanC_lap> (debian package names are, in a way, grounded in http

   MC: has someone written a spec which defined using readonly

   DanC: TimBL asked the python people to make python package names
   into http uris

   Noah: has anyone gone to the browser people
   ... to make a complicated proxy hack for http

   MC: hsivonen of mozilla explained that it would be hard and cause

   AB: where do we do follow up? www-tag?

   DanC: yes
   ... what's the time scale?

   MC: we want to finish this within 3 months.

   DanC: are there any test cases for this?

   MC: no
   ... we're starting an implementation now

   AB: coffee break

   <DanC_lap> (I might have some more precedent bookmarked under
   "software installation" on delicious; network isn't happy. :-/)

   <hlee7> hello

   <ArtB> Chair: ArtB

   <marcos> chairnick: Artb

   <marcos> chair: Artb

Section 8.2, Step #11 - Need to describe what happens if the widget
already exists

   <ArtB> AB: [40]


   <ArtB> AB: if widget already exists, what do we do?

   <ArtB> ABe: what do other impls do?

   <ArtB> MC: Dashboard says "widget exists, do you want to override

   <ArtB> JS: not sure I understand why this is in Step 11

   <ArtB> MC: agree, it's not really related to Step 11

   <ArtB> ... but the issue needs to be addressed

   <ArtB> JS: so the same widget cannot be installed more than once?

   <ArtB> MC: that's correct

   <ArtB> BS: is this based on file name?

   <ArtB> MC: no it isn't

   <ArtB> ... it is based on something internal

   <ArtB> ABe: probably some id

   <ArtB> ABe: this should probably be an impl detail

   <ArtB> BS: not sure I agree

   <ArtB> ... for Vista, it's based on file name

   <ArtB> MC: On Dashboard, uses identifier in the plist file

   <ArtB> AB: I tend to agree this should be an implementation detail

   <ArtB> ... Let the UA decide what to do

   <ArtB> ... Could also reflect a user preference

   <ArtB> [ Marcos does some experimenting with Dashboard ... ]

   <hendry> Opera 9.6 allows the same widget to be installed multiple

   <ArtB> MC: either it is an impl detail or we specify it :-)

   <ArtB> MC: we need to specify something regarding update

   <ArtB> ... versus installing a second widget with the same name/id
   as a previously installed widget

   <ArtB> MC: part of the problem is that the config file is optional

   <ArtB> PB: such a widget can never be considered identical to
   another widget

   <ArtB> [ Marcos enumerates the various scenarios ]

   <ArtB> ... 1. If no config file, they are treated as unique

   <ArtB> ... 2. If config file, but no id attr, then they are treated
   as unique

   <ArtB> ... 3. If config has an id attr, and id is the same on both,
   they are the same widget

   <ArtB> see update spec)

   <ArtB> ... 4. If config has an id attr and a version attr that is
   diff from the current installed version, then it is an update

   <ArtB> ... per the Updates spec

   <paddy> MIDP spec relating to ugrade procedure:


   <hendry> apt-get remove --purge package && apt-get install package

   <hendry> (how Debian works)

   <ArtB> JS: users don't want to have any of their data removed during

   <ArtB> ... can always do some data pruning after the update is

   <ArtB> PB: Java have some conventions we can consider

   <ArtB> MC: we've discussed comparing versions before

   <ArtB> JS: can also take a look at what Mozilla has done

   <ArtB> ... the application decides what to do

   <hendry> debian version ref:

[42] controlfields.html#s-f-Version

   <ArtB> MC: I've already looked at some various practices

   <ArtB> ... We could recommend a rollback mechanism

   <ArtB> [ Marcos displays MIDP 2.0's versioning mechanism ... ]

   <ArtB> MC: is 1.02 < or > than 1.002?

   <ArtB> PB: can't do 1.002

   06.html old version string discussion

[43] 2007Sep/0006.html

   <ArtB> ... limited to two decimals per number

   <ArtB> ABe: what about one widget with more than one branding?

   <ArtB> AB: I don't think we are getting consensus on this issue

   <ArtB> MC: propose we leave the current model but recommend using
   MIDP model

   <ArtB> PB: besides version number, we still have the original issue

   <ArtB> MC: propose we recommend authors use MIDP model for

   for the record,

[44] flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.1.218 +

   <ArtB> ACTION: Marcos will create the text and processing model to
   codify the four conditions enumerated above [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-271 - Will create the text and processing
   model to codify the four conditions enumerated above [on Marcos
   Caceres - due 2008-10-27].

   <ArtB> ACTION: Marcos will create text to address the version string
   issue by recommending MIDP 2.0 model [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-272 - Will create text to address the
   version string issue by recommending MIDP 2.0 model [on Marcos
   Caceres - due 2008-10-27].

   <ArtB> AB: We do need to careful about copyright issues

   <ArtB> MC: I will create text that is "inspired by" the Java doc but
   will not copy it

Section 9.1 locating thumbnails

   <ArtB> MC: it is a duplicate of the finding the icons issue

   <ArtB> ... We don't need to discuss it

   <ArtB> AB: Meeting Adjourned for today

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Barstow determine the status of URI Template RFC and
   report back to WG [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Barstow see if the W3C systeam/webreq can help with a
   conformance checker [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Macros move the version string section from P&C spec
   to the Updates spec [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Marcos move the version string section from P&C spec
   to the Updates spec [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Marcos send Widget URI scheme slides to one of
   {member,public}-webapps [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Marcos will create text to address the version string
   issue by recommending MIDP 2.0 model [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Marcos will create the text and processing model to
   codify the four conditions enumerated above [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

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