Although there were no objections to this CfC, my take on the following ongoing thread is that addressing the various issues discussed in that thread may result in the Web Messaging spec changing (and that could result in the spec going back to Last Call Working Draft):

Until this is clearer, I will not submit a request to publish this CR.


On Jun/2/2011 7:27 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
The Last Call comment period for the HTML5 Web Messaging spec ended June 1. The status of this spec is: no comments were submitted to public-webapps during the LC comment period; Bugzilla reports this spec has Zarro Boogs [1]; and the changes to the spec since the LC was published appear to not affect an implementation [2] (I encourage others to confirm this).

One comment [3] was submitted during the CfC to publish the LC period, and no one responded to this comment. Hixie - would you or someone else in the group please respond to this comment?

Nevertheless, I would like the group to proceed with this spec so I propose the spec be published as a Candidate Recommendation (CR) and this is a Call for Consensus to do so:

A test suite has not been agreed by the Working Group, and will not be required for the CR to be published. However, agreeing on a test suite will be part of the work that must be done before this spec can move further than CR.

The Editor's Draft does not yet include CR exit criteria. I would expect the criteria to be similar to our previous CRs i.e. to require a thorough test suite and at least two implementations that pass all tests. Given the relatively broad implementation support for this spec (e.g. see [4]), I propose status section state the spec will advance to PR no sooner than 8 weeks after the CR is published.

This CfC satisfies: a) the group's requirement to "record the group's decision to request advancement" to CR; and b) "General Requirements for Advancement on the Recommendation Track" as defined in the Process Document:

Positive response to this CfC is preferred and encouraged and silence will be considered as agreement with the proposal. The deadline for comments is June 9. Please send all comments to:

-Art Barstow


[2];r2=1.85;f=h [3]

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