
I think we all appreciate frank and open technical discussions about the Web Applications WG's specifications but we must also be respectful and professional in our exchanges.

My personal tolerance for terse exchanges is relatively high but that is not true for everyone and we must respect our differences via our behavior, interactions and responses.

More specifically, please read and follow:

1. The Community Principles defined by the W3C's Positive Work Environment Task Force:

2. Section 3.1 of the W3C's Process document; nota bene: the "social competence" participation requirement: policies.html#ParticipationCriteria

Failure to adhere to the above social norms may result in being removed from a mail list (for at least some period of time). Depending upon the severity, immediate removal may be warranted i.e. no warning(s).

So please, use these mail lists for technical discussions only.

-Regards, Art Barstow; Co-Chair of the Web Applications WG

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