I would like to propose to rename WebSimpleDatabase to WebSimpleDB to take into account the following reasons:

1. The term database is too often correlated with relational database management. In fact, the name WebDatabase justifies this reason. 2. While RDBMS technology is good for rich functionality, it introduces complexity beyond what is needed in many cases. Therefore WebDatabase cannot be treated as simple by any stretch of imagination. 3. WebSimpleDB goes beyond the minimum possible - store keys and retrieve values based on a known key - which is specified in WebStorage. It does not simply store raw data but understands paths and attributes. So it is definitely not operating at the storage level. 4. WebSimpleDB has provisions for transactions, it maintains indices, and it provides direct access using those indices to sorted data. It does all this through a simple set of APIs as opposed to a foreign syntax. So it solves an important problem without introducing interoperability challenges. This means it is both a database and simple - hence the name.

One might draw a simple analogy here, even though it may be a tad inappropriate -

WebSimpleDB is to WebDatabase what Amazon SimpleDB is to RDBMS
WebSimpleDB is to WebStorage what Amazon SimpleDB is to Amazon S3.

People understand the difference on the RHS and will have no mismatch in their expectations between the name and the API in the LHS. Please indicate if you disagree with the proposed name.


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