Frederick, All,

As you may know, the Web Applications WG [WebApps] is working on a Digital Signature specification for "Widgets" (see [Widgets] for a definition of Widget in this context).

The FPWD of our Digital Signature spec is at [DigSig-TR] and the latest Editor's Draft is available at [DigSig-ED].

Anyhow, during our August f2f meeting, we discussed what we call Issue #22 - "Is sha1 as a DigestMethod strong enough for Widgets digital signatures?" [Issue-22]. At then end of this discussion [Issue-22-Discuss] I agreed to the following action:

Ask the XML Sec WG "what algorithm do you recommend we use and what identifier should we use for it?

Our questions are:

1. What (if any) issues do you foresee if we require support for SHA-256 (rather than SHA-1)?

2. What algorithm should we use?

3. What identifier should we use for the algorithm?

-Regards, Art Barstow
Co-Chair of the WebApps WG

[WebApps] <>
[Widgets] <>
[DigSig-TR] <>
[DigSig-ED] <>
[Issue-22] <>
[Issue-22-Discuss] < minutes.html#item07>

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