On 4/2/11 5:46 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
Right, I get that much, but that mail I linked to previously claimed
this difference was somehow observable from scripts, but I don't see
Scripts can tell which object on the prototype chain a property comes
from pretty trivially, no? Most simply by
On 2011-04-02 07:20, Cameron McCormack wrote:
Lachlan Hunt:
interface Element {
Element querySelector(in DOMString selectors, in optional any
This adds another method to Element.prototype
interface NodeSelector {
Element querySelector(in DOMString sel
Lachlan Hunt:
> >[Supplemental]
> >interface Element {
> >Element querySelector(in DOMString selectors, in optional any
> >...
> >}
> This adds another method to Element.prototype
> >[NoInterfaceObject]
> >interface NodeSelector {
> >Element querySelector(in DOMString selectors, in optional a
On 4/1/11 4:51 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
interface Element {
Element querySelector(in DOMString selectors, in optional any
This adds another method to Element.prototype
interface NodeSelector {
Element querySelector(in DOMString selectors, in optional an
Presently, the IDL in Selectors API defines the NodeSelector
interface using "[Supplemental, NoInterfaceObject]".
I'm not quite sure why I have supplemental in there, but it seems to be
left over from an old edit that should have been removed, since
NodeSelector is not a pre-existing in