
I have just published the first alpha build (0.0.0-0.0.alpha!) of a new
set of plugins that will allow you to host your own PyPi server with
Pulp. So far it is possible to upload Python packages to a repo, publish
it, and use pip on a client machine to install the package hosted by
Pulp. Since this is an alpha build, it is only in our testing repos for
now as it has not had any attention from our QE team. I haven't even
merged the pull request[0] for the initial documentation yet, though you
can go look at it to see the initial draft if you like.

To get started, simply subscribe your system to our testing repo (it's
in 2.5 and 2.6) and yum install pulp-python-admin-extensions
pulp-python-plugins. We are very excited about expanding our type
support, and would love for you to get involved. Happy testing, and let
us know what you think!

[0] https://github.com/pulp/pulp_python/pull/11/files

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