Jira (PUP-8528) Remove WriteOnlyYaml node terminus
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-8446) Remove "puppet man" face application
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-8988) Don't pluginsync vendored modules
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-8819) Create the CI pipeline
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (PUP-8823) Move all outstanding PUP tickets to Modules
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper assigned
Jira (PUP-8822) Remove type/provider code from puppet
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper assigned
Jira (PUP-8820) Release 1.0.0 to the forge
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper assigned
Jira (PUP-8821) Package module into puppet-agent
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper assigned
Jira (PUP-8819) Create the CI pipeline
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper assigned
Jira (PUP-8818) Extract the code & verify the module
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper assigned
Jira (PUP-8721) Agent Functions - Set up Vault Server internally for testing
Title: Message Title Tony Vu commented on
Jira (PUP-8721) Agent Functions - Set up Vault Server internally for testing
Title: Message Title Tony Vu assigned an i
Jira (PUP-8723) Agent Functions - Create Vault deferred evaluation
Title: Message Title Tony Vu assigned an i
Jira (PUP-8723) Agent Functions - Create Vault deferred evaluation
Title: Message Title Tony Vu assigned an i
Jira (PUP-8939) Administrators are not able to run puppet agent when installed as SYSTEM in some cases
Title: Message Title Erick Banks updated a
Jira (BOLT-684) Apply results aren't directly usable
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (BOLT-631) Bolt should support hiera configuration and use it when compiling catalogs
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue assigned
Jira (BOLT-684) Apply results aren't directly usable
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-684) Apply results aren't directly usable
Title: Message Title Michael Smith created
Jira (BOLT-684) Apply results aren't directly usable
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-8957) [Regression] PUP-8167 behaviour noted in Puppet AiO 5.5.3
Title: Message Title Branan Riley updated
Jira (PUP-8957) [Regression] PUP-8167 behaviour noted in Puppet AiO 5.5.3
Title: Message Title Branan Riley commente
Jira (BOLT-647) Support _noop for apply statements
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (BOLT-647) Support _noop for apply statements
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (BOLT-675) Integration testing of correct precedence
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-8957) [Regression] PUP-8167 behaviour noted in Puppet AiO 5.5.3
Title: Message Title Scott McClellan assig
Jira (BOLT-683) Make executable configurable
Title: Message Title Michael Smith created
Jira (BOLT-635) Refactor the executor to parallelize multi-target applies
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (BOLT-682) Have nice error message if user tries 'apply' with no PA
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman created an
Jira (BOLT-634) Integration tests for apply functionality
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-8817) Create the github repo
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (PUP-8818) Extract the code & verify the module
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (BOLT-675) Integration testing of correct precedence
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-8788) Move all outstanding PUP tickets to Modules
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (PUP-8685) Migrate gemspec info in project_data.yaml to the .gemspec file
Title: Message Title Enis Inan commented o
Jira (PUP-8685) Migrate gemspec info in project_data.yaml to the .gemspec file
Title: Message Title Enis Inan assigned an
Jira (FACT-1865) Amazon Linux 2 is reported as 4
Title: Message Title Casey Williams update
Jira (FACT-1832) Facter Fails on Solaris 11.3 Patch Native Zone.
Title: Message Title Branan Riley updated
Jira (FACT-1865) Amazon Linux 2 is reported as 4
Title: Message Title Casey Williams update
Jira (FACT-1832) Facter Fails on Solaris 11.3 Patch Native Zone.
Title: Message Title Branan Riley updated
Jira (FACT-1865) Amazon Linux 2 is reported as 4
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey commented
Jira (FACT-1832) Facter Fails on Solaris 11.3 Patch Native Zone.
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey commented
Jira (FACT-1869) Make react-components a peer dependency of insights-editor
Title: Message Title Geoff Woodburn update
Jira (FACT-1869) Make react-components a peer dependency of insights-editor
Title: Message Title Geoff Woodburn create
Jira (BOLT-681) Manifest block compile will autoload Puppet gem over vendored Puppet
Title: Message Title Michael Smith comment
Jira (BOLT-681) Manifest block compile will autoload Puppet gem over vendored Puppet
Title: Message Title Michael Smith created
Jira (PUP-8726) Agent Functions - Content negotiation of rich data types to old/new agents
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg comme
Jira (BOLT-634) Integration tests for apply functionality
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (BOLT-679) Automate updating the version and sha of brew package
Title: Message Title Michael Smith comment
Jira (BOLT-679) Automate updating the version and sha of brew package
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman commented
Jira (BOLT-634) Integration tests for apply functionality
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (BOLT-618) Automate updating homebrew-puppet with Bolt releases
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-679) Automate updating the version and sha of brew package
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-679) Automate updating the version and sha of brew package
Title: Message Title Michael Smith comment
Jira (BOLT-633) Configure modulepath for bolt_catalog
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (FACT-1832) Facter Fails on Solaris 11.3 Patch Native Zone.
Title: Message Title Branan Riley assigned
Jira (FACT-1868) Make react-components a proper peer dependency of insights-embed
Title: Message Title Geoff Woodburn create
Jira (PUP-8975) Agent Functions - Spike: determine if Deferred type should be implemented w/o Rich Data
Title: Message Title Eric Thompson comment
Jira (PUP-8975) Agent Functions - Spike: determine if Deferred type should be implemented w/o Rich Data
Title: Message Title Eric Thompson updated
Jira (PUP-8442) type parameters do not honor when default is set to false
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-8967) Use status endpoint to determine if puppetserver is reachable
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-8683) Change http_read_timeout and runtimeout defaults to be less than infinite
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-7931) Support HTTPS Compression on report upload
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-7931) Support HTTPS Compression on report upload
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-8726) Agent Functions - Content negotiation of rich data types to old/new agents
Title: Message Title Eric Thompson comment
Jira (PUP-8918) Separate CA and SSL dirs
Title: Message Title Maggie Dreyer updated
Jira (BOLT-680) Simplify scaffolding for powershell tasks with metadata
Title: Message Title Michael Smith comment
Jira (BOLT-680) Simplify scaffolding for powershell tasks with metadata
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-680) Simplify scaffolding for powershell tasks with metadata
Title: Message Title Michael Smith created
Jira (BOLT-632) Scope for bolt_compile should be set up
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-7407) Add deprecation warning to Puppet::Util.absolute_path?
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (BOLT-654) Bolt transport api should support SSL
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (PDB-3268) Don't just return nothing from applied-migrations if the query fails
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt assigned
Jira (BOLT-653) Bolt transport api should be configurable
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-679) Automate updating the version and sha of brew package
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman created an
Jira (BOLT-653) Bolt transport api should be configurable
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an
Jira (BOLT-565) Apply from Plans
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an
Jira (BOLT-634) Integration tests for apply functionality
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-8606) Module-defined data types are very verbose when displayed
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey updated a
Jira (PUP-8615) sort_formats does not sort consistently with MRI Ruby which causes issues when find .find processes the hash to select a choice
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey updated a
Jira (PUP-8942) Support issuing certificates with IP Address Subject Alternative Names
Title: Message Title Maggie Dreyer updated
Jira (PDB-3961) Check builds, promote to PE (PuppetDB 5.2.3)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey updated a
Jira (PDB-3958) Merge-up, branch, and create pipelines (PuppetDB 5.2.3)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PDB-3960) Bump versions, push directly, and tag (PuppetDB 5.2.3)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PDB-3959) Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (PuppetDB 5.2.3)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PDB-3962) Update winston (PuppetDB 5.2.3)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PDB-3961) Check builds, promote to PE (PuppetDB 5.2.3)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8995) Update Confluence and JIRA based on release (Puppet Platform 5.5.4)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8996) Communicate scope and timeline of next release (Puppet Platform 5.5.4)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8994) Declare Ready to Ship (go/no-go) milestone (Puppet Platform 5.5.4)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8992) Declare Stop Ship Line (code complete) milestone (Puppet Platform 5.5.4)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8993) Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 5.5.4)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8991) Prepare JIRA for release (Puppet Platform 5.5.4)
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a
Jira (PUP-8990) Puppet Platform 5.5.4 Release - 2018-07-17
Title: Message Title Kenn Hussey created a