Jira (BOLT-656) Bypass batching and threading for bolt-server
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-656) Bypass batching and threading for bolt-server
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-9028) Create a `puppet ssl` subcommand that can perform SSL client actions on the agent
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment
Jira (BOLT-656) [SPIKE] Can we bypass batching and threading in the bolt executor?
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (BOLT-656) [SPIKE] Can we bypass batching and threading in the bolt executor?
Title: Message Title Michael Smith assigne
Jira (PUP-9141) Ability to destroy multiple CSRs at once
Title: Message Title Daniel Parks updated
Jira (PUP-9141) Ability to destroy multiple CSRs at once
Title: Message Title Daniel Parks created
Jira (BOLT-643) Add apply functionality to bolt_shim
Title: Message Title Nick Lewis assigned a
Jira (PUP-8601) agent should support rich data content negotiation
Title: Message Title Patrick Carlisle upda
Jira (BOLT-834) Support Puppet 6 Windows locations for ruby.exe and puppet/facter libs
Title: Message Title Michael Smith updated
Jira (PUP-9053) Enable localizations for extracted modules
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment
Jira (PUP-9094) Switch rest client back to using Puppet::Network::HttpPool
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone updated
Jira (PUP-9053) Enable localizations for extracted modules
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone updated
Jira (PUP-8836) Remove type/provider code from puppet
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment
Jira (PUP-5985) Features are not being re-evaluated when a block is used
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment
Jira (BOLT-828) Fix race condition in Logging.logger
Title: Message Title Kate Lopresti updated
Jira (BOLT-828) Fix race condition in Logging.logger
Title: Message Title Kate Lopresti updated
Jira (PDB-3470) Add pdb sandboxing infrastructure, and use it in travis
Title: Message Title Zachary Kent updated
Jira (PDB-3490) Get rbac-client version from clj-parent in pdbext
Title: Message Title Zachary Kent updated
Jira (PDB-4008) Use jruby-gem-list for all version
Title: Message Title Zachary Kent updated
Jira (PDB-3934) Determine deprecations, if any for pdb 6
Title: Message Title Zachary Kent updated
Jira (PDB-3940) Investigate clojure 1.9 support
Title: Message Title Zachary Kent updated
Jira (PDB-4089) Investigate voom/ezbake jobs needing hard coded project versions
Title: Message Title Zachary Kent created
Jira (PUP-9053) Enable localizations for extracted modules
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment
Jira (PUP-9110) Accept and produce ASCII_8BIT as Binary value
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg updat
Jira (PUP-9110) Accept and produce ASCII_8BIT as Binary value
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg updat
Jira (PUP-9125) Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 6.0.0)
Title: Message Title Michelle Fredette com
Jira (BOLT-646) Migrate bolt_catalog to use PAL
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman assigned a
Jira (BOLT-658) Validate JSON data in bolt-transport-api requests
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman assigned a
Jira (PUP-9140) File resource checksum => mtime fails with empty mtime
Title: Message Title Francois Isabelle cre
Jira (PUP-9139) Package provider apt fails when installing from local file
Title: Message Title Dirk Heinrichs update
Jira (PUP-9139) Package provider apt fails when installing from local file
Title: Message Title Dirk Heinrichs create
Jira (PUP-9121) puppet apply --catalog cat.json does not trigger resolution of Deferred values
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg assig
Jira (PUP-9121) puppet apply --catalog cat.json does not trigger resolution of Deferred values
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg updat
Jira (PUP-9125) Prepare release announcement (Puppet Platform 6.0.0)
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg comme