Jira (BOLT-1356) Make example strings documentation for a plan
Title: Message Title Jesse Scott updated a
Jira (BOLT-1356) Make example strings documentation for a plan
Title: Message Title Jesse Scott created a
Jira (BOLT-1337) Make .filter_set called on a ResultSet return a ResultSet
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman commented
Jira (BOLT-1158) Publish bash helper library
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue commente
Jira (BOLT-1337) Make .filter_set called on a ResultSet return a ResultSet
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1338) Add file::exists and file::readable functions
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1325) Provide a way to send a message to the outputter
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-1325) Provide a way to send a message to the outputter
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-1297) Bolt should raise a nice error if the private key file doesn't exist
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1337) Make .filter_set called on a ResultSet return a ResultSet
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an
Jira (BOLT-1264) Allow puppetdb plugin to set host and name independently
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an
Jira (BOLT-1337) Make .filter_set called on a ResultSet return a ResultSet
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-1337) Make .filter_set called on a ResultSet return a ResultSet
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-1264) Allow puppetdb plugin to set host and name independently
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-836) Support Hiera lookup() in plans outside of apply blocks
Title: Message Title Alex Dreyer updated a
Jira (FACT-1929) Report disks serial numbers
Title: Message Title Romain Tartière creat
Jira (PUP-9698) Backport PUP-8967 to 5.5.x
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (BOLT-1325) Provide a way to send a message to the outputter
Title: Message Title Nick Lewis updated an
Jira (BOLT-1325) Send Puppet logging functions to the outputter
Title: Message Title Nick Lewis updated an
Jira (BOLT-1325) Send Puppet logging functions to the outputter
Title: Message Title Nick Lewis updated an
Jira (BOLT-1325) Provide a way to send a message to the outputter
Title: Message Title Nick Lewis updated an
Jira (BOLT-1337) Make .filter_set called on a ResultSet return a ResultSet
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an
Jira (BOLT-1355) Bolt can't run some tasks over SSH when csh is the login shell
Title: Message Title Nick Lewis created an
Jira (BOLT-1343) Bolt docs: Add info on location of Bolt directory
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman assigned a
Jira (PDB-4384) Tech Debt - Use more Puppet in acceptance test setup
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt created
Jira (PDB-4383) Promote to PE when commit merged to pe-puppetdb-extensions
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt created
Jira (PDB-4382) Create automatic mergeup job for both FOSS and PE
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt created
Jira (PDB-4381) Add unit test jobs to FOSS and PE puppetdb pipelines
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt created
Jira (PDB-4380) Add SLES 12 testing to PDB CI
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt created
Jira (PDB-4379) PuppetDB CI Improvements
Title: Message Title Austin Blatt created
Jira (BOLT-1351) Update the release spreadsheet (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1350) Publish release artifacts (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1347) Bolt 1.21.0 2019-05-29 Release
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1349) Kick off release pipeline (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1354) Send release announcements (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1353) Docs for bolt release (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1348) Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1352) Update homebrew-puppet (Bolt 1.21.0)
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue created
Jira (BOLT-1338) Add file::exists and file::readable functions
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-1338) Add file::exists and file::readable functions
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (PUP-6247) Allow for certname_fact setting to be used to override default fqdn
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (PUP-9723) Ephemeral Agents
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-9723) Ephemeral Agents
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper created a
Jira (PUP-9500) Puppet assumes client cert issuer is in the ca bundle downloaded from the server
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (PUP-8563) The puppet agent should have a 'local' mode for CRL checking
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented
Jira (PUP-9717) Puppet 6 client exits on start when it cannot connect to puppetserver
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (PUP-9720) puppet agent --fingerprint is broken
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a
Jira (BOLT-1338) Add file::exists and file::readable functions
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman assigned a
Jira (BOLT-1264) Allow puppetdb plugin to set host and name independently
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (BOLT-1264) Allow puppetdb plugin to set host and name independently
Title: Message Title Cas Donoghue updated
Jira (PUP-9714) Add support for nested hiera interpolation
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg comme
Jira (PUP-9714) Add support for nested hiera interpolation
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg comme
Jira (PUP-9714) Add support for nested hiera interpolation
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg comme
Jira (FACT-1926) ipaddress fact changed behaviour in FreeBSD, returns incorrect result with Puppet 5
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy commente
Jira (FACT-1926) ipaddress fact changed behaviour in FreeBSD, returns incorrect result with Puppet 5
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy assigned
Jira (PUP-9722) Regression: File mode changed on every puppet run
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9722) Regression: File mode changed on every puppet run
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1927) Build Facter for JRuby on redhatfips-7-x86_64
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1926) ipaddress fact changed behaviour in FreeBSD, returns incorrect result with Puppet 5
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1926) ipaddress fact changed behaviour in FreeBSD, returns incorrect result with Puppet 5
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1910) Mountpoint fact only shows tmpfs and physical mounts
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1910) Mountpoint fact only shows tmpfs and physical mounts
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-8736) /opt/puppetlabs contains device ssldir(s) normally in /etc/puppetlabs
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-8736) /opt/puppetlabs contains device ssldir(s) normally in /etc/puppetlabs
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau commente
Jira (PUP-8736) /opt/puppetlabs contains device ssldir(s) normally in /etc/puppetlabs
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9697) Solaris Crontabs -> puppet resource cron only returns root account
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9697) Solaris Crontabs -> puppet resource cron only returns root account
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1924) Investigate if FFI works on AIX/Solaris and Solaris-sparc
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-8085) Win-2012r2 JA Puppet Acceptance showing 25 Failed Tests
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9691) Puppet pidlock incorrectly clears lock when running under bundler
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-1082) pip provider should handle multiple pips/pythons
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9573) win32-service gem needs updating
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1888) 'os.release' values not correct for VZ7
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (FACT-1886) Facter3 should also check for 'Virtuozzo Linux'
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9688) User resource sets password on every puppet agent run (Windows)
Title: Message Title Alexandru Popa update
Jira (PDOC-267) Grouping of parameters
Title: Message Title Ewoud Kohl van Wijnga