Jira (PUP-6465) Catalog evaltrace should log resource number and totals
Title: Message Title Kris Bosland commente
Jira (BOLT-1270) Bolt should have an encrypted data store
Title: Message Title Alex Dreyer updated a
Jira (BOLT-1270) Bolt should have an encrypted data store
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (PDB-4369) Hiera IA: Store "inputs" for catalogs and add query for certnames that might be affected by an input
Title: Message Title Daniel Dreier updated
Jira (PDB-4369) Hiera IA: Store "inputs" for catalogs and add query for certnames that might be affected by an input
Title: Message Title Daniel Dreier updated
Jira (BOLT-1317) Only ship bolt gem to rubygems when syncing packages to public repos
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (PUP-9754) Log resident configuration upon daemon launch
Title: Message Title Jarret Lavallee updat
Jira (BOLT-1361) Docs for plan parameters are confusing
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (BOLT-1197) Allow $nodes as second positional arg for run_plan()
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (FACT-1767) AIX processor facts return "mismatched processor frequencies found; facter will only report one of them" on every puppet run
Title: Message Title Jarret Lavallee updat
Jira (FACT-1767) AIX processor facts return "mismatched processor frequencies found; facter will only report one of them" on every puppet run
Title: Message Title Jarret Lavallee updat
Jira (FACT-1767) AIX processor facts return "mismatched processor frequencies found; facter will only report one of them" on every puppet run
Title: Message Title Jarret Lavallee updat
Jira (FACT-1767) AIX processor facts return "mismatched processor frequencies found; facter will only report one of them" on every puppet run
Title: Message Title Jarret Lavallee updat
Jira (BOLT-1416) Publish release artifacts (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1419) Docs for bolt release (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1418) Update homebrew-puppet (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1417) Update the release spreadsheet (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1420) Send release announcements (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1415) Kick off release pipeline (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1413) Bolt 1.24.0 2019-06-20 Release
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (BOLT-1414) Reconcile git commits, JIRA tickets, and versions (Bolt 1.24.0)
Title: Message Title Tom Beech created an
Jira (PUP-8088) add mechanism for cache eviction callback / finalizers
Title: Message Title Maggie Dreyer updated
Jira (BOLT-1317) Only ship bolt gem to rubygems when syncing packages to public repos
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (BOLT-1361) Docs for plan parameters are confusing
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (BOLT-1270) Bolt should have an encrypted data store
Title: Message Title Tom Beech updated an
Jira (BOLT-1318) Modulepath unable to handle folder names in uppercase characters on Windows
Title: Message Title Tom Beech commented o
Jira (PUP-6488) Gem provider should allow alternative gem command; should not rely on $PATH
Title: Message Title Thomas Kishel comment
Jira (PUP-9789) Constants assigned twice emit warning during Litmus use on Windows.
Title: Message Title William Hurt updated
Jira (PUP-9789) Constants assigned twice emit warning during Litmus use on Windows.
Title: Message Title William Hurt updated
Jira (PUP-9789) {brief summary of issue}
Title: Message Title William Hurt created
Jira (BOLT-1317) Only ship bolt gem to rubygems when syncing packages to public repos
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman assigned a
Jira (BOLT-1403) Prepare bolt-server for bolt_shim removal
Title: Message Title Jonathan Morris comme
Jira (BOLT-1409) Remove 'lookups' from 'target_lookups'
Title: Message Title Alex Dreyer assigned
Jira (PDOC-259) relax ruby requirement to 2.1.0 from 2.1.9
Title: Message Title Jesse Scott commented
Jira (FACT-1916) facter fails to parse routing table
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy assigned
Jira (FACT-1929) Report disks serial numbers
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy assigned
Jira (BOLT-1412) 'script run' CLI silently ignores arguments containing equal signs
Title: Message Title Sean Millichamp creat
Jira (PUP-2169) Not possible to manage SELinux file contexts via puppet in a sane way
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-2169) Not possible to manage SELinux file contexts via puppet in a sane way
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated
Jira (PUP-9692) hiera explain should redact values converted to Sensitive in --debug mode
Title: Message Title Henrik Lindberg comme
Jira (PUP-9787) Unintentional secret reveal while installing modules
Title: Message Title Chris Suszynski updat
Jira (PDOC-259) relax ruby requirement to 2.1.0 from 2.1.9
Title: Message Title David Schmitt comment