Jira (FACT-2580) Update acceptance tests to use host methods

2020-04-23 Thread Sebastian Miclea (Jira)
Title: Message Title Sebastian Miclea upda

Jira (PUP-10434) Persistent http connection timeouts can't be changed when using the new http client

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper commented

Jira (PUP-10442) Remove http file content terminus

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper created a

Jira (PUP-10434) Persistent http connection timeouts can't be changed when using the new http client

2020-04-23 Thread Melissa Stone (Jira)
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment

Jira (PUP-10434) Persistent http connection timeouts can't be changed when using the new http client

2020-04-23 Thread Melissa Stone (Jira)
Title: Message Title Melissa Stone comment

Jira (PUP-10441) Remove Puppet::Util::HttpProxy.request_with_redirects

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper created a

Jira (PUP-10440) Remove networking code from the parent REST terminus

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper created a

Jira (PUP-10252) Remove deprecated SSL code, termini and settings

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a

Jira (PUP-10439) Remove Puppet::Network::HTTP::Connection

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper created a

Jira (PUP-10438) Remove Puppet::Rest

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper created a

Jira (PUP-10429) Add method for registering runtime implementations

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a

Jira (PUP-10436) Remove strict_hostname_checking

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a

Jira (PUP-10433) Zypper provider doesn't recognize --no-gpg-checks as global option

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a

Jira (PUP-10434) Persistent http connection timeouts can't be changed when using the new http client

2020-04-23 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title Josh Cooper updated a

Jira (PDB-4635) puppetdb_avg_mem larger than baseline values

2020-04-23 Thread John Duarte (Jira)
Title: Message Title John Duarte commented

Jira (PUP-10379) Insert Bolt project as a module into Node::Environment modulepath

2020-04-23 Thread Lucy Wyman (Jira)
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an

Jira (PUP-10379) Insert Bolt project as a module into Node::Environment modulepath

2020-04-23 Thread Lucy Wyman (Jira)
Title: Message Title Lucy Wyman updated an

Jira (PUP-10437) Running remove_old_postgresql_versions after upgrade failed

2020-04-23 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title Luchian Nemes assigne

Jira (FACT-2489) no resolver for external facts file error for os-specific facts

2020-04-23 Thread Austin Boyd (Jira)
Title: Message Title Austin Boyd updated a

Jira (FACT-2417) Facter throws noisy "No resolver for external facts file" warning on custom fact files

2020-04-23 Thread Austin Boyd (Jira)
Title: Message Title Austin Boyd updated a

Jira (FACT-2417) Facter throws noisy "No resolver for external facts file" warning on custom fact files

2020-04-23 Thread Austin Boyd (Jira)
Title: Message Title Austin Boyd updated a

Jira (FACT-2489) no resolver for external facts file error for os-specific facts

2020-04-23 Thread Austin Boyd (Jira)
Title: Message Title Austin Boyd updated a

Jira (PUP-10397) Remove facts and vars from ScriptCompiler scope

2020-04-23 Thread Alex Dreyer (Jira)
Title: Message Title Alex Dreyer updated a

Jira (PUP-10379) Add new Puppet::Node::Environment subclass that will also load the current directory as a module

2020-04-23 Thread Alex Dreyer (Jira)
Title: Message Title Alex Dreyer updated a

Jira (PUP-10437) Running remove_old_postgresql_versions after upgrade failed

2020-04-23 Thread Ciprian Badescu (Jira)
Title: Message Title Ciprian Badescu updat

Jira (FACT-2235) processors fact for AIX

2020-04-23 Thread Oana Tanasoiu (Jira)
Title: Message Title Oana Tanasoiu assigne

Jira (PUP-10432) RedHat RHBA-2020:1028 breaks yum.rb in yum provider for some systems

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-2544) Move cached-custom-facts to a new section in facter.conf

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-2537) Not compatible with leatherman >= 1.0.0

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-2489) no resolver for external facts file error for os-specific facts

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-2489) no resolver for external facts file error for os-specific facts

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-2171) Fix for tests/options/verbose.rb

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-1575) Add the ability to cache and block the output of custom facts

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-9943) User type has custom retrieve() with non-standard return values

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10401) Pip package provider outputs warning on puppet run

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10393) Use '**' to pass keyword arguments in Ruby 2.7

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10390) Ruby file gets loaded twice

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10357) Implement Generic Version range

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10357) Implement Generic Version range

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10325) Custom file mode for lastrunreport as defined in puppet.conf is ignored

2020-04-23 Thread Gheorghe Popescu (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gheorghe Popescu upda

Jira (PUP-10325) Custom file mode for lastrunreport as defined in puppet.conf is ignored

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10325) Custom file mode for lastrunreport as defined in puppet.conf is ignored

2020-04-23 Thread Gheorghe Popescu (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gheorghe Popescu upda

Jira (PUP-10322) Facter 4 debug logs don't use Puppet logger

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10313) Selmodule provider fetch loaded modules performance

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10303) Windows user management fails if group contains not resolvable Domain accounts

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10298) Add SemVerRange support to yum package provider

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10296) Add SemVerRange support to pip package provider

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10297) Add SemVerRange support to apt package provider

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10295) Add SemVerRange support to gem package provider

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (PUP-10248) windows pidlock can raise access denied

2020-04-23 Thread Gabriel Nagy (Jira)
Title: Message Title Gabriel Nagy updated

Jira (FACT-2545) AIX kernel resovler redirects stderr to stdout, which breaks facts on OS errors

2020-04-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated

Jira (FACT-2545) AIX kernel resovler redirects stderr to stdout, which breaks facts on OS errors

2020-04-23 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title Mihai Buzgau updated

Jira (PUP-10437) Running remove_old_postgresql_versions after upgrade failed

2020-04-23 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title Luchian Nemes created

Jira (FACT-2580) Update tests to use host methods

2020-04-23 Thread Sebastian Miclea (Jira)
Title: Message Title Sebastian Miclea crea