Jira (BOLT-1065) Standard library functions were not packaged with Bolt
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1054) Add a bolt standard library
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1054) Add a bolt standard library
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1054) Add a bolt standard library
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-997) puppet_agent::install doesn't match on RedhatEnterpriseServer platform
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-997) puppet_agent::install doesn't match on RedhatEnterpriseServer platform
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1051) Syntax corrections to Writing Tasks doc
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos moved an
Jira (BOLT-817) Support an array of directories for modulepath in config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1047) Add shorthand options for modulepath, inventoryfile, verbose
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1047) Add shorthand options for modulepath, inventoryfile, verbose
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-817) Support an array of directories for modulepath in config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-817) Support an array of directories for modulepath in config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1035) Query Resource states from a plan
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1035) Query Resource states from a plan
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1039) Support proxyjump config option for ssh transport
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1039) Support proxyjump config option for ssh transport
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1036) Some module content missing from puppet-bolt package
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1039) Support proxyjump config option for ssh transport
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1036) Some module content missing from puppet-bolt package
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1036) Some module content missing from puppet-bolt package
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-791) Support running a task on a proxy node targeting a device or API with run-on
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1025) Documentation for hiera-config is missing
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1025) Documentation for hiera-config is missing
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-791) Support running a task on a proxy node targeting a device or API with run-on
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-791) Support running a task on a proxy node targeting a device or API with run-on
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-608) Support local transport on windows
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-608) Support local transport on windows
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-459) Reboot a target and wait for it to become available.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-459) Reboot a target and wait for it to become available.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1021) python_task_helper still appears to succeed when encountering an error
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1018) Docker transport does not implement connected?
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-459) Reboot a target and wait for it to become available.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1021) python_task_helper still appears to succeed when encountering an error
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1021) python_task_helper still appears to succeed when encountering an error
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-1018) Docker transport does not implement connected?
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-815) Mark bolt_shim file content arguments as sensitive
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-815) Mark bolt_shim file content arguments as sensitive
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-459) Reboot a target and wait for it to become available.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-940) apply_prep doesn't work with pcp nodes and released puppet_agent
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-510) I want to name nodes in inventory separately from their URL/hostname
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-510) I want to name nodes in inventory separately from their URL/hostname
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-940) apply_prep doesn't work with pcp nodes and released puppet_agent
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-940) apply_prep doesn't work with pcp nodes and released puppet_agent
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-1004) Send release announcements (Bolt 1.4.0)
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-942) I want to add a node to a group in inventory and use the groups transport config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-942) I want to add a node to a group in inventory and use the groups transport config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-984) Improve BoltSpec::Plans so it works with more plan content
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-644) Collect analytics on catalogs applied with bolt.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-644) Collect analytics on catalogs applied with bolt.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-984) Improve BoltSpec::Plans so it works with more plan content
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-942) I want to add a node to a group in inventory and use the groups transport config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-942) I want to add a node to a group in inventory and use the groups transport config
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-644) Collect analytics on catalogs applied with bolt.
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-941) Publish apply_helpers to forge and document it's installation
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-941) Publish apply_helpers to forge and document it's installation
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-941) Publish apply_helpers to forge and document it's installation
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-941) Publish apply_helpers to forge and document it's installation
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-992) Modify WinRM timeout error
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-992) Modify WinRM timeout error
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos moved an
Jira (BOLT-992) Modify WinRM timeout error
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos assigned
Jira (BOLT-977) Send release announcements (Bolt 1.3.0)
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-977) Send release announcements (Bolt 1.3.0)
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-977) Send release announcements (Bolt 1.3.0)
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-956) Add wait_until_available function to Bolt
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-962) docker transport
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-959) Plan with no return value is never marked complete in PE
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-971) Some functions not available in BoltSpec run_plan
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-962) docker transport
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-971) Some functions not available in BoltSpec run_plan
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-959) Plan with no return value is never marked complete in PE
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (BOLT-962) docker transport
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (PUP-9158) Remove deprecations from CA related settings in Puppet 5
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commente
Jira (BOLT-432) Providing true or false as value to a string parameter on a plan is rejected
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos updated
Jira (PUP-7769) Provide a setting to disable translations
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos assigned an issue to Unassigned
Jira (PUP-8009) Performance regression with lots of modules and gettext
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos assigned an issue to Unassigned
Jira (PUP-8009) Performance regression with lots of modules and gettext
Title: Message Title Melissa Amos commented on PUP-8009