Right now facter has a branch called 2.x, which was supposed to be getting
ready for a 2.0.0 release of facter. That hasn't happened yet and there are
quite a few changes on the 2.x branch (and master since there are no
differences between the two). I'd really like to see those changes be
released and after looking over them I think we should release most, but
not all, of those changes as a Facter 1.7.0.

In my analysis of the changes between the 1.6.x branch and the 2.x branch I
  * external facts (new feature, backwards compatible)
  * whitespace stripping (new feature, backwards incompatible)
  * various new facts (backwards compatible)
  * removal of the memorytotal fact (backwards incompatible)
  * removal of the iphostnumber fact (backwards incompatible)
  * changes to the memory facts (backwards incompatible)

So the plan would be to make a 1.7.x branch off of master and revert those
backwards incompatible changes. Remove the 2.x branch and have development
toward Facter 2 take place on master.

However, even with that, there would need to be some QA and testing love
given to the 1.7.x branch. I can make the branch and revert the obviously
problematic changes, but I'd really like some help on trying it out and
getting it in shape for a release. Other ways people could help out would
be to work out a way of making some of those changes not be backwards
incompatible (for instance the changes to the memory facts could probably
be fixed up).

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