[Puppet-dev] PuppetDB 2.2.2 is now available

2014-10-21 Thread Ryan Senior
PuppetDB 2.2.2 - October 21, 2014 PuppetDB 2.2.2 Downloads Available in native package format in the release repositories at: http://yum.puppetlabs.com and http://apt.puppetlabs.com For information on how to enable the Puppet Labs repos, see: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/g

[Puppet-dev] Announce: Puppet Strings 0.1.1 Released

2014-10-21 Thread Hailee Kenney
We’re happy to announce the latest release of the strings module. Strings 0.1.1 is a backward-compatible bugfix release. It mainly includes changes to documentation, but fixes one pretty major bug those of you using the future parser would have encountered (PDOC-14). *The module can be found

Re: [Puppet-dev] How should apply behave under an ENC

2014-10-21 Thread Felix Frank
Hey everyone, thanks for your feedback. We appear to see some support for all options except #1. That one is apparently universally despised. I'll try and summarize the discussion. Pros get a + plus and cons a - dash. Option 2: Override ENC environment but only from the commandline. + convenient

[Puppet-dev] Announce: Puppet Server 0.3.0 available!

2014-10-21 Thread Eric Sorenson
This is the first feature update since the initial Puppet Server release. Notable user-facing improvements are: * (SERVER-18, SERVER-39) Puppet Server now supports externally-terminated SSL in the same way as external termination on Apache+Passenger does. * (SERVER-4) Improve error messages