PuppetDB 4.2.0 - Aug 08, 2016

PuppetDB 4.2.0 is a backward-compatible feature release that adds a
new inventory endpoint, the ability to query structured data (like
facts and resource parameters) using a dotted notation, and the
ability to trigger background/GC tasks manually via POST. This release
also includes several new queryable fields, bugfixes, and faster
retries for common error scenarios.

PuppetDB 4.2.0 Downloads

Available in native package format as part of Puppet Collection 1
(PC1). More information on the PC1 repositories is available here:

Binary tarball: https://downloads.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/

Source: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb

Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs tickets site, using an
affected PuppetDB version of 4.2.0:

Documentation: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/4.2/

Puppet module: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb

PuppetDB 4.2.0 Release Notes

Please consult the release notes here:


Andrew Roetker, Brian Cain, Eric Sorenson, Geoff Nichols, Karel
Březina, Ken Barber, Michal Bryxí, Molly Waggett, Rob Browning,
Russell Mull, Ryan Senior, and Wyatt Alt

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