On Thursday, October 9, 2014 2:56:12 PM UTC-6, Kylo Ginsberg wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Andy Parker <an...@puppetlabs.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> ** Next PR Triage Wednesday, October 15th @ 10:00 am Pacific. **
>> *Priorities*
>>    1. Puppet 3.7.2
>>    2. CFacter on the march
>>    3. New puppet doc implementation
>>    4. Code removal for puppet 4
>> *Commentary*
>> Puppet 3.7.2 is in full swing. The big unknown for me was the memory leak 
>> (PUP-3345) that had been reported, but we hadn't reproduced. Well, it's 
>> been reproduced. It happens when directory environments are in use and 
>> environment_timeout != unlimited. Whenever it refreshes the environment 
>> cache it seems to leak memory. This is pretty critical for us since it will 
>> be in the next PE version, work on which is taking a lot of our time at the 
>> moment.
>> CFacter is continuing. Solaris support is still in the works and so is 
>> the toolchain for building it on all the various platforms. I believe you 
>> can see the build scripts at https://github.com/puppetlabs/cfacter-build
> Clarification: that repo has build support only for Solaris and Windows. 
> For new-enough Linux and OS X the build instructions are trivially short 
> and are in the readme: 
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/cfacter/blob/master/README.md
Are these builds publicly consumable? On windows, I get a chocolatey error 
Did I miss a step?


PS C:\Users\bdowns\Documents\cfacter-build> make build
C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/make.3.81.4/tools/bin/make -e toolchain
make[1]: Entering directory `C:/Users/bdowns/Documents/cfacter-build'
Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "The remote server 
returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable."
At C:\Users\bdowns\Documents\cfacter-build\bin\Windows_NT\wget.ps1:3 char:1
+ (New-Object net.webclient).DownloadFile($args[0], $dest)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebException

make[1]: *** [fetched/x86_64-4.8.2-release-win32-seh-rt_v3-rev4.7z] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/bdowns/Documents/cfacter-build'
make: *** [build] Error 2


> Kylo
>> Puppet-dev conversations of note:
>>   * PUP-1073 - How to allow installing packages with the same name in 
>> different packaging systems in a single catalog?
>>     This thread had been going on for a long time and had died off in 
>> March without a conclusion. The issue was brought back to my attention this 
>> past week and so I started the conversation up again with another proposal. 
>> There are some very valid concerns about what impact loosening the 
>> constraints will have on catalogs and flapping resources; however, it 
>> appears that the decision is to go ahead with the latest proposal. I still 
>> need to reply to the thread to conclude it and update tickets, etc, etc. 
>> I'm going to target a fix a 4.0.
>>   * Behavior of apply + ENC
>>     Felix presented some options about how command line arguments should 
>> behave wrt to environments + enc + command line overrides. There was a lot 
>> of agreement about a "command line args win" solution, but RI feels that 
>> "ENC wins" is the better solution. I'm waiting with baited breath for the 
>> conclusion :)
>>   * Removing types/providers from core
>>     Ah yes. This old thread. But it's going somewhere this time! Daenny 
>> and Kylo submitted a PR for removing nagios from core at the contributor 
>> summit and now Daenny is following up with working out a plant for removing 
>> the rest. I'd really like to see this drive to a conclusion that we take 
>> action on this time. At the moment a lot of things hinge on getting 
>> packaging setup to allow pulling in modules so that they don't live in the 
>> core repo, but are available in a standard puppet installation.
>> Puppet strings 0.1.0 has been released! Hailee put a lot of work into 
>> this to get it ready and Charlie did a lot of great work to show that it 
>> can be done. The next steps are for people to try it out and send us 
>> feedback/fixes.
>> Whopper has been working through the code removals for puppet 4. Not much 
>> else to say about that...
>> *Data*
>> I was hoping to have some data from our profiling information request…but 
>> we still don't have any :(
>> The data trap
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> -- 
>> Andrew Parker
>> a...@puppetlabs.com <javascript:>
>> Freenode: zaphod42
>> Twitter: @aparker42
>> Software Developer
>> *Join us at **PuppetConf 2014, **September 20-24 in San Francisco - *
>> www.puppetconf.com 
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> -- 
> Kylo Ginsberg | ky...@puppetlabs.com <javascript:> | irc: kylo | twitter: 
> @kylog

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