>> We just don't expose the syntax directly; instead of
>> cat(template("a.erb"), template("b.erb")
>> you write:
>> "${template("a.erb")}${template("b.erb")}"
>> and this is internally processed as a concatenation...so what you're
>> suggesting is just a syntax-desugaring.
I c
On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Markus Roberts wrote:
> We’re also going to introduce a concatenation function called “cat”.
> Note there is already a concatenation operator in puppet (from
> lib/puppet/parser/ast/leaf.rb):
> class Concat < AST::Leaf
> def evaluate(scope)
> We’re also going to introduce a concatenation function called “cat”.
Note there is already a concatenation operator in puppet (from
class Concat < AST::Leaf
def evaluate(scope)
@value.collect { |x| x.evaluate(scope) }.collect{ |x| x ==
:undef ? ''
We've gone back and forth on this for a while, I'd like us to get an
implementation agreed upon.
If the topic doesn't instantly make sense to you, please visit the bug for
an overview of our current inconsistent behavior:
Whenever an array is specified