On Fri, 2012-04-06 at 01:26 -0700, Raphaël Pinson wrote:
> As of today, the way the Augeas provider in Puppet manages idempotence
> can be somehow problematic. The `onlyif` statements can only be
> evaluated on the client, so all Augeas resources are generally run on
> the client, and whether to run them cannot be easily determined in the
> catalog, unless it relies on other resources as dependencies or on
> custom facts (possibly using the Augeas ruby library).

Isn't that completely analogous to a package statement that wants to
have 'httpd' installed ? There's no way the server can know whether this
amounts to a noop or not - it requires checking on the client, and for
almost all runs, the statement will amount to a noop. I don't think it's
that big a deal.

Slightly OT: part of my evil plan with aug_srun was to embed simple
logic in the language aug_srun interprets; I am slightly hesitant to do
that, because augeas contains way too many interpreters as it is, and
inventing little languages is generally a bad idea, but it's just too
tempting to allow something like

        if ! /files/etc/hosts/*[canonical = 'lemon.example.com']
          set /files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr
          set /files/etc/hosts/01/canonical lemon.example.com
          set /files/etc/hosts/01/alias     lemon
          set /files/etc/hosts/01/alias     meyer

This will require inventing syntax for 'if .. then .. else .. end'; I'd
use path expressions as the conditionals and coerce them to bools.

> A new aug_to_xml() API call has been added in Augeas 0.10.0 allowing
> to export the whole (or part of the) Augeas tree as an XML document.

I'd worry that that will have a serious impact on puppet; not just
because of the data that needs to cross the wire on every run, but also
because of the deserialization overhead on the server.


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