
tl;dr: naming stuff is hard, we're hoping to rename the puppet-server git
repo to puppetserver sometime soon (tomorrow?).  Github should handle
redirects in a way that will hopefully mean that this change is effectively
invisible to anyone who has a fork, but if anyone has any concerns, please

long form:

When we were first coming up with a name for puppet server, we all wanted
to call it "puppet-server", but the problem with that was that on some
linux distros there was already a package by that name.  We decided that
that wasn't a good reason not to choose the name that everyone thought was
best, so we decided to name the new packages 'puppetserver' without the
hyphen.  Our intention was to go back and add the hyphen back in to the
package names once we'd reached a point in time where we no longer had to
worry about conflict with the old package.

At some point in time we collectively realized that that was stupid, and
that the package name is basically part of our API to end users, who may
have modules they've written to manage their infrastructure and have lots
of references to the package/service names "puppetserver" with no hyphens.

However, the inconsistency is still stupid and annoying.  So, we decided
instead that we'll just change the github repo name to remove the hyphen
and then we can have everything standardized on "puppetserver".  We've been
waiting for a time to do this where it was unlikely to cause any issues
that would affect a release.  Now seems like a good time, since we just
shipped Burnside.

So, I'm planning on changing the repo name this afternoon or tomorrow
morning.  I'll also submit a PR against CI job configs to hopefully fix all
of the references there (though I think that because of the way that github
redirects renamed repos, things would probably just work anyway).

Concerns?  Questions?  Objections?

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