
I am been trying really hard to test my custom type/provider.  Every 
example seems to not fit my case though.  Most of the examples only cover 
the providers or puppet code.  

My case is a type and provider combined.  

The puppet_labs_spec_helper has at least helped me out. I have been 
following this doc: 
 But I still can't get the most basic test to run.  I am assuming this is 
an environment issue as the puppet labs_apache module seems to test just 
fine on my machine and I have tried to borrow and copy the layout as much 
as possible.

Could someone explicitly detail the steps required to test my code?  Maybe 
even clone my repo and run: rake spec_prep && rake spec

git clone https://github.com/logicminds/bmclib

Stuck at the following errors:
error: https://gist.github.com/logicminds/6575668 (puppet 3.3.0)
load error: https://gist.github.com/logicminds/6575704  (puppet 3.2.4)



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