Dear puppet experts,

My puppet agent version is 3.8.1. Some of the agent report error message :
puppet-agent[15104]: Shutdown/restart in progress (:restart_requested); skipping run

This was because puppet reload config file during puppet agent running.
Here is the manifests:

  augeas{"splay" :
   context => "/files/etc/puppet/puppet.conf/agent/",
   changes => "set splay true",
   notify  => Exec['refreshpuppet']

  augeas{"splaylimit" :
   context => "/files/etc/puppet/puppet.conf/agent/",
   changes => "set splaylimit $puppetinterval",
   notify  => Exec['refreshpuppet']

  exec {'refreshpuppet':
    command      => "/etc/init.d/puppet reload",
    refreshonly  => true

If I install a new node. This problem happened about 50%.  Some of the puppet agents  will process puppet reload after puppet run, These nodes are ok after installation. And some of the agents  will process puppet reload during puppet run, These nodes will report error message "Shutdown/restart in progress (:restart_requested); skipping run".


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