
I'm hard working on setting up the following architecture:

- 1 Puppet CA server
- 4 Open Source Puppet servers
- 1 Load-balancer in front of the 5 previous servers, using HAproxy

All the servers are running Debian, and everything work well, except the 
catalog run time, which is more than twice longer if I route the traffic 
through the lb.

>From the same agent (and same code):

 - puppet agent --test --server the-lb-url.com -> Finished catalog run in 
75.04 seconds
 - puppet agent --test --server a-backend-server-fqdn.com -> Finished 
catalog run in 33.13 seconds

I suspect HAproxy to not keep the connections alive, and force the agent to 
re-open them on each HTTP call. Here is my HAproxy configuration:

    log local0
    chroot /var/lib/haproxy
    stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
    stats timeout 30s
    user haproxy
    group haproxy
frontend f-puppet-masters
    mode tcp
    timeout client 60s
    option tcplog
    use_backend b-puppet-masters

backend b-puppet-masters
    balance leastconn
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    server s-puppet-master1 check port 8140 inter 5000 fall 3 
rise 2 weight 20
    server s-puppet-master2 check port 8140 inter 5000 fall 3 
rise 2 weight 20
    server s-puppet-master3 check port 8140 inter 5000 fall 3 
rise 2 weight 20
    server s-puppet-master4 check port 8140 inter 5000 fall 3 
rise 2 weight 20

Is there someone here running HAproxy in front of Puppet masters? Am I 
missing something?

Thank you for your help!

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