
I try to set a user password. I do :

vagrant@db:~$ sudo puppet apply -e "user { 'martin': name => 'martin', 
ensure => 'present', password => 
Notice: Compiled catalog for db in environment production in 0.06 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[martin]/password: changed password
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.06 seconds
vagrant@db:~$ su martin
su: Authentication failure

I can't authenticate. If I check the password, I see it truncated ...

vagrant@db:~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow |grep ^martin

If I try to change it in cli, it's ok

vagrant@db:~$ passwd martin
passwd: You may not view or modify password information for martin.
vagrant@db:~$ sudo passwd martin
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
vagrant@db:~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow |grep ^martin

I can connect !

vagrant@db:~$ su martin
martin@db:/home/vagrant$ exit

I'm on a ubuntu 14.04 with ruby-shadows package installed. Any idea ?


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