Hello all, 
I've upgraded my Puppet installation from 3.8.2 to 4.5.2 and now I have a 
problem with a Powershell command. 
I'm extracting a .zip file to a folder but it doesn't extract anything and 
it gives no Warning/Error. I only have an error when the installation 
process tries to execute the files that should be on the destination folder.
Before the update this was working.

Anyone has any idea what the problem might be?

The manifest portion, where the Powershell command is specified, is 
something like:
exec { "unzip_$id":
    command     => "(new-object -com 
shell.application).Namespace('$unzip_folder').CopyHere((new-object -com 
shell.application).NameSpace('$downloaded_file').Items(), 0x14)", #This 
line was working before the upgrade.
    provider    => powershell,
    logoutput   => true,
    subscribe   => Exec["create_$unzip_folder"],
    refreshonly => true,

Thanks in advanced.

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