Good Morning Friends,

Last night I wrote some sample class and ran puppet agent -t on agent nodes 
including server. Interesting enough, changes did not come through on 
puppet server and one agent node both of them are on CentOS 6.8. Changes 
came through on the other two nodes which run CentOS 7. I am wondering what 
could be the issue.

[root@puppet manifests]# pwd
[root@puppet manifests]# cat site.pp 
node default {

class { 'motd':}
class { 'motd::test':}

[root@puppet manifests]# cd ../modules/motd/manifests/
[root@puppet manifests]# pwd
[root@puppet manifests]# cat init.pp 
class motd{
        content=>inline_template("The current time is <>\
[root@puppet manifests]# cat test.pp 
class motd::test{
    notify{"Test message is always test" : }
[root@puppet manifests]# 

When I run puppet agent -t , the puppetserver.log does not show any 

2016-07-12 10:22:05,017 INFO  [qtp2086497057-64] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Caching node for agent3.netgear
2016-07-12 10:22:06,065 INFO  [qtp2086497057-67] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Caching node for agent3.netgear
2016-07-12 10:22:06,516 INFO  [qtp2086497057-67] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Compiled catalog for agent3.netgear in environment production in 0.38 
2016-07-12 10:51:20,271 INFO  [qtp2086497057-66] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Caching node for agent3.netgear
2016-07-12 10:51:20,648 INFO  [qtp2086497057-63] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Caching node for agent3.netgear
2016-07-12 10:51:20,786 INFO  [qtp2086497057-63] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Compiled catalog for agent3.netgear in environment production in 0.10 
2016-07-12 10:52:02,013 INFO  [qtp2086497057-67] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Caching node for puppet
2016-07-12 10:52:02,780 INFO  [qtp2086497057-64] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Caching node for puppet
2016-07-12 10:52:02,902 INFO  [qtp2086497057-64] [puppetserver] Puppet 
Compiled catalog for puppet in environment production in 0.08 seconds

Not sure where to look and what might be the issue.


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