On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 06:51:20 +0000, Chris Picton wrote:

> I am currently planning a rolling upgrade of all my puppet servers and
> clients from 0.24.8 to 2.6.4
> I have hit a stumbling block though - my test server (which is now
> running 2.6.4), and the test clients (also 2.6.4) run fine.
> My second test server, also running 2.6.4, still has its 0.24.8 clients.
> The clients are getting the following error when trying to run:
> -----
> debug: Retrieving catalog
> debug: Calling puppetmaster.getconfig err: Could not retrieve catalog:
> undefined method `to_hash' for
> #<Puppet::Resource::Reference:0x2aaaafa47f98> warning: Not using cache
> on failed catalog -----

As it always turns out, posting to a mailing list crystallized my thought 
and google-fu

I just found https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5428

Based on this, I deleted the storedconfigs for a test node in the puppet 
database, and the client ran successfully after that.

I will clean my stored configs for groups of nodes at a time, and set the 
update flag in my ldap tree for those nodes - the upgrade should go 
cleanly now.

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