I have this...

node test_node inherits basenode_centos_5 {
    include yum
    include yum-priority
    include mysql_client
    include mysql_server

Puppet seems to be executing stuff from the mysql_client and
mysql_server modules before the yum module. I had assumed that modules
were executed in the order that they where included, but this seems
not to be the case. I guess you could use requires() all over the
place in the mysql modules to make sure that yum had completed doing
it's thing first, but that seems horribly complicated to me. Is there
a better way? Since having your yum repositories is critical to
software being installed, it should always be done first.

Please don't tell me I have to do it with requires.... :( That would
mean EVERY package() statement would need a requires => class['yum'],


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