
I've just updated some modules that worked fine in Puppet 2.8, to v3.0.1.
I'm struggling to get class autoloading working for some reason, and I
wonder if someone can help?

My main class is as follows;


class blah_soe {

  class { 'blah_packages':
    require => Class['blah_yumrepo']


cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production/blah_soe/tests
[root@puppetcore1 tests]# /opt/puppet//bin/puppet apply ./init.pp --noop
Error: Could not find dependency Class[Blah_yumrepo] for

...where tests/init.pp is just include blah_soe. *When I also include
blah_packages here, it all works fine*. This was NOT necessary on the
previous 2.8 instance. Class autoloading should happen as long as the
modulepath is set correctly, and the ownership and permissions are not

(btw...I did a recursive chown -R puppet down the environments directory,
which didn't help, and I've done a 0777 down the same single path, which
also didn't work)

*environment stuff*
[root@puppetcore1 tests]# puppet master --configprint modulepath

[root@puppetcore1 tests]# puppet master --configprint environment

*blah_packages appears to be working just fine.*
cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production/blah_packages/tests
[root@puppetcore1 tests]# /opt/puppet//bin/puppet apply ./init.pp --noop
Notice: /Stage[main]/Blah_packages/Package[iotop]/ensure: current_value
absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: Class[Blah_packages]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.83 seconds
[root@puppetcore1 tests]#

Any takers? My head is hurting :(



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