I have a situation where there is a problem with one of my manifests.
The puppet client throws up an error but does not report. I don't get
an email notification of the problem even though I have all: setting
on the tagmail and I don't see any trace of a report on the syslog

This is the output from the client

puppetd --verbose --no-daemon
notice: Starting Puppet client version 0.25.0
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Caching catalog for ubuntu.panztel.local
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter unless
failed: 'grep -qFx '#include </etc/asterisk/manager.conf.d/*.conf>'
'/etc/asterisk/manager.conf'' is both unqualifed and specified no
search path at /etc/puppet/modules/common/manifests/defines/line.pp:32

I think I know what is causing the problem but at this time I am not
concerned about that at all. I don't care what the problem is. I want
to make sure I get notified everytime there is a problem.

Here is the log on the server.

Sep 25 11:27:04 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]: Reopening log files
Sep 25 11:27:04 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]: Starting Puppet server
version 0.25.0
Sep 25 11:27:31 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]: (Module
common(/etc/puppet/modules/common)) using the deprecated 'plugins'
directory for ruby extensions; please move to 'lib'
Sep 25 11:27:31 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]: (Module
common(/etc/puppet/modules/common)) using the deprecated 'plugins'
directory for ruby extensions; please move to 'lib'
Sep 25 11:27:35 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]:
(/File[/var/puppet/storeconfigs.sqlite]/owner) Cannot manage ownership
unless running as root
Sep 25 11:27:35 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]:
(/File[/var/puppet/log/rails.log]/owner) Cannot manage ownership
unless running as root
Sep 25 11:27:37 nzvoip1 puppetmasterd[11320]: Compiled catalog for
ubuntu.panztel.local in 1.35 seconds
Sep 25 11:30:01 nzvoip1 /USR/SBIN/CRON[13961]: (root) CMD ([ -x
/usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)

No report, nothing in the log file. No indication that anything went wrong.

If this was in production I would never know there was a problem. The
only reason I know there is a problem is because I am running the
client manually with the --no-daemon option.

What can I do to make sure I always get notified when something goes wrong?

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