That looks very useful. Thanks for releasing it!

Regards, Martijn

Op donderdag 1 oktober 2015 07:25:01 UTC+2 schreef Corey Osman:
> Last year I had an idea to create a tool to automate the buildout of 
> puppet unit tests by inspecting puppet code inside puppet manifests. Along 
> with this idea I also wanted to retrofit any puppet module with the latest 
> best practices, gems, rake commands and other stuff in development within 
> the community. So today I am releasing a revamped version of this tool in 
> the form of a retrospec plugin. 
> I am happy to announce availability of this tool for mass consumption. I 
> have been using my own tool over the past few months almost every day and I 
> can no longer keep this tool a secret as I know it will save you hours of 
> time and frustration. 
> The reason I built this tool is simply because unit testing is too 
> difficult for the average puppet coder. There are just too many blogs, ruby 
> versions, gems, and other tools to learn. When I first started unit 
> testing, 
> I documented my problems and setup procedures and eventually committed 
> them to code to make them easily reproducible. I have reduced the typical 
> learning curve of several weeks down to a few simple key strokes. 
> I’m confident that you will love this tool and use it everyday to assist 
> in the creation of your modules. 
> To get started: 'gem install puppet-retrospec && retrospec puppet' inside 
> your favorite puppet module directory. 
>  (puppet module unit test 
> generator plugin)   
>  (file generator framework) 
> Corey 

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