On Jan 27, 2009, at 5:45 AM, nicolas wrote:

> Hello,
>  I'm currently prototyping the use of Puppet to manage a bunch of
> home-made applications on a lot of servers.
>  As our applications evolves frequently and multiples versions can
> be used at the same time, we use classes that include version in their
> name, like "myApplication_1-2-0"
> A typical application class like "myApplication_1-2-0" contains for
> example a package to install, some configuration files as templates, a
> crontab, a service definition and a mount point
> When I want to deploy version 1-3-0 of my application on a node, to
> replace version 1-2-0, the standard way to do with puppet, as I
> understand it, would be :
>  - node initially contains "include myApplication_1-2-0"
>  - I edit node to contains "include myApplication_1-2-0::remove"
> where myApplication_1-2-0::remove is a class that removes everything
> myApplication_1-2-0 installed
>  - I apply the config to node
>  - I edit the node to contains "include myApplication_1-3-0"
>  - I apply the config to node
> But on node, there is the localconfig.yaml file (usually in /var/lib/
> puppet/) that contains everything needed to know what should be
> removed when myApplication_1-2-0 is installed.
> I was thinking of automating this step like this :
>  - retrieve config from master
>  - retrieve local config (in localconfig.yaml)
>  - if an application has not the same version on the master and
> locally then
>  a)  change everything to absent for version which is locally
> installed
>  b) apply this, so local version is removed
>  c) then apply config from master, so new version is installed
> Do you think it's a good approach ?
> If not, do you know an alternate ways to manage applications that have
> several versions ?

I think it'd be easier to make your installation classes configurable  
- have something like a definition built up with a switch for  
installation and removal:

define myapp($ensure) {
   package { "myapp-$name": ensure => $ensure }

Then you install one version:

   myapp { "3.0": ensure => present }

And remove the other:

   myapp { "2.0": ensure => absent }

This requires more work on your buildup, and would also require that  
the resource list in each class be unique, but you'll need that  
anyway, I think.

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to
please everybody. -- Bill Cosby
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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